1 Presentation, April 6-7, 2005 Manitoba Land Initiative. Province of Manitoba
2 Introduction lThis presentation will include a brief history of the development of the Manitoba Land Initiative and include a policy perspective for the sharing of data and: lGive some insight into the internal operations of the warehouse site with an emphasis on data related to Southern Manitoba.
3 The (MLI) lWhat is the MLI : lA Co-operative Provincial Government Initiative for the development of a digital on-line process to house, display and distribute Provincial geospatial data. Health, Finance - LTO, Intergovernmental Affairs, Land Management Services, Conservation/Water Stewardship, Energy, Science and Technology. Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives, Transportation and Government Services, Industry, Economic Development and Mines
4 History There was a need for Manitoba to: linvestigate a method for housing its own geospatial information ( ). lcollectively think about many department’s geospatial data products as a single corporate asset. ldevelop mechanisms for the collection, storage and dissemination of its data products. lcreate a interdepartmental structure for developing processes for a Manitoba data sharing and delivery service.
5 MB Government Intranet Manitoba Land Initiative Conservation / Water Stewardship Transportation Intergov.Affairs IT&M Core Data topology cadastral orthophotos land use transportation …….. Metadata catalogue Land related knowledge - best practices - departmental projects - experts Different applica- tions DATABASE … controlled electronic exchange of land related information, regardless of location, technology, and managing organization...
6 Internal and External Use Manitoba Land Initiative Core Data topology cadastral orthography land use transportation …….. Metadata catalogue Land related knowledge - best practices - departmental projects - experts INTERNET Public Access WAREHOUSE INTRANET Provincial Use - Distribution requirements - User/license/disclaimer agreement
7 MLI delivery understanding: All data is a corporate asset and its ownership never changes. Data contributors can advance their core geospatial datasets into the system at any time. Data contributors determine what datasets they release to the system.
8 Results of the process are : lA cross departmental, cross functional relationship for digital data sharing. lA corporate partnership of departments was formalized and a provincial working group was established. lData sharing, data integration and standards development between departments for geospatial data products. lA provincial mandate for the MLI process was instituted that provides for the development and provincial framework for the management of lands related information.
9 MLI Achievements The process has: Raised the profile of land related systems Integrated on-line access to land data Improved our data currency processes Provided a process for electronic transactions internally and externally Provided smaller departments with equal access to data Provided internal and external user time and cost savings
10 The Warehouse Site MLI - Core Maps Download Collections: Admin. Boundaries Base Maps Cadastral Digital Elevation Models Digital Imagery Environment Forest Inventory Geographical Names Geology Mapping Land Use/Cover Maps Municipal Maps Prov. Highways & PTHs Quarter Section Grids Soil Classification Topographic Maps Town & Village Plans Water Related Maps Comments
11 MLI Warehouse Utilization
12 Summary lFuture program development is advancing the MLI’s technical capabilities lData continues to flow into the warehouse at an increased rate (approximately 80 Gb) lHuman resource commitments continue by all user groups. As of March 1, 2005 there are 5600 registered users.
13 Some Future Activities lStriving to achieve a more seamless mapping and mapping framework. lContinue to accept geospatially related data sets lInvestigate partnership relationships with other data products (NFIS), Intergraph and others.
14 MLI Data Warehouse: Overview
24 lLine work used for topographic maps lNetworks - highways, power grids, rivers and streams lPoints for site locations, addresses lPolygons for Cadastral, Property mapping lRaster for Ortho photos, Remote sensing lReferential - overview maps, metadata MLI - GIS data types
25 Lines
27 Points
29 Cadastral
31 Polygons
34 Raster
38 Referential
40 The Future …..
41 Metadata management Spatial Metadata Management System (SMMS) is being implemented with the assistance of Geoconnections.
42 Web Map Publisher A pilot project is currently being completed with Intergraph, to evaluate and possibly implement this Web Map product as the next generation data access tool.
43 In conclusion lThe Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI) is a active and on-going program for the effective collection, storage and dispensing of digital geospatial data across the Manitoba government and to the public. lThe site: lThank you!