The Renaissance Period


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Presentation transcript:

The Renaissance Period

The Renaissance was a time where… Classical Greco-Roman ideas were revived These ideas were preserved through the middle ages by the Byzantine Empire.

Wealthy Patrons supported the arts and education Humanism spread throughout Western Europe.

Humanism An age of reborn interest in the arts, education, and the classical culture of ancient Greece and Rome.

Trade brought wealth to Italy The Beginning The Renaissance began in Italian cities because of their access to trade routes. Trade brought wealth to Italy

Printing Press

Important Advancements Printing Press Helped develop… 1. Increase in literacy rates 2. Secular (World) ideas spread 3. Books are circulated to public Ex. Shakespeare’s sonnets

The Church Many of the new ideas and enlightened thinkers during the Renaissance period challenged the authority of the Church.

Protestant Reformation Martin Luther – A German Monk Challenges the practices of the Roman Catholic Church Wrote the 95 Theses to criticize indulgences. Believed the Bible should be the authority of the church. Believed people are right with God through faith – not works.

Protestant Ideas Spread Martin Luther rejects the pope’s authority As a result, Protestant sects spread throughout Europe King Henry VIII of England breaks away from the Catholic Church

Response- The Roman Catholic Church threatened Luther to take back his ideas and criticism of the Church. The Church also challenged several other enlightened thinkers.

Scientific Revolution Galileo Galilei was threatened to be killed by the Church if he did not take back his discoveries. Age old beliefs, like the earth being the center of the universe, were proven wrong through inventions like the telescope.

Roman Inquisition pressuring Galileo

A Political Change in England The Magna Carta was signed by King John This document limited the powers of the King (Monarch) The Magna Carta would later be used to guarantee rights to all people.

English Parliament The Parliament was made up government officials who represented the people. The Parliament would later help balance the power of the King

Petition of Right in 1628 King had to follow same laws as citizens Can only be taxed with representation Can only be put in prison with a lawful reason

Stated the king would share power with Parliament English Bill of Rights Stated the king would share power with Parliament Stated the rights granted to all citizens

Enlightenment 1600-1700s Time of intellectual debate and growth Increased study of individual rights (all should have individual rights) These Ideas inspired the American & French Revolution

Revolution A quick turn around or change in a government system or organization. American & French Revolutions inspired others to seek independence

John Locke Wrote Two Treatises of government Believed governments should protect the natural rights of life, liberty, & Property Government based on consent of people

Montesquieu Wrote the Spirit of the Laws Believed government should have a separation of powers Government should have checks and balances

Wrote The Social Contract Rousseau Wrote The Social Contract Believed the government shouldn’t violate individuals’ rights by law.