Areas of Polygons
Directions Look at the following slide, which will act as the “home page.” From this home page, you will click on each step when necessary and review the slides. (To get back to the home page, click the house at the bottom right corner) You will do the clicker questions on paper. After completing a question, wait for everyone to be finished and you will use the clicker to see if you are correct. When everyone has completed the assignment, we will review any mistakes.
1. Back to directions 2. What is a polygon? 3. What are the names of various polygons? 4. Clicker Question 1: What are the characteristics of a polygon? What is the name of a four-sided polygon? 5. The area of… – 5. A triangle 5. A triangle – 6. A quadrilateral 6. A quadrilateral 6. Clicker Question 2: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 23 inches and a height of 10 inches? 7. Clicker Question 3: What is the area of a square with a base of 7 inches? 8. Clicker Question 4: What is the area of a rectangle with a base of 1 foot and a height of 8 inches? 9. The areas of other polygons (2 slides) 9. The areas of other polygons 10. Clicker Question 5: What is the area of this trapezoid: base1=10, base2=6, height=4, a=2, b=2 11. Clicker Question 6: What is the area of this parallelogram: base=9, height=3
What is a polygon? A closed plane figure having three or more sides
Names of various polygons Triangle: 3 sides Triangle Quadrilateral: 4 sides Quadrilateral Pentagon: 5 sides Hexagon: 6 sides Heptagon: 7 sides Octagon: 8 sides Octagon
Area of a Triangle (1/2) x base x height = (1/2)bh
Area of a Quadrilateral Square: base x height = bh = b^2 = h^2 Rectangle: base x height = bh
Areas of other polygons Parallelogram: find the area of the two triangles, and then the rectangle OR Base x height
Areas of Other Polygons Trapezoid: find the areas of the two triangles, and then the rectangle OR ((b1+b2)h)/2
Examples of Triangles
Examples of Quadrilaterals
Examples of pentagons
Examples of octagons
Clicker Questions Use the clicker to submit the answers you have written down already 1: What are the characteristics of a polygon? What is the name of a four- sided polygon? 2: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 23 inches and a height of 10 inches? 3: What is the area of a square with a base of 7 inches? 4: What is the area of a rectangle with a base of 1 foot and a height of 8 inches? 5: What is the area of this trapezoid: base1=10, base2=6, height=4, a=2, b=2 6. What is the area of this parallelogram: base=9, height=3