CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder1 NXC Information Not eXactly C very similar to NQC Currently has more NXT API supported than LeJOS NXJ Uses NBC for compiles and download Uses underlying Mindstorms firmware version 1.02 or newer - Ours is 1.03
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder2 NXC Setup and Install Copy NXC folder to c:\ On a DVD handed out in class Add folder containing NBC.exe to PATH c:\NXC\NBC Create a nxcprojects folder as a sibling to your javaprojects folder
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder3 NXC/NBC Documentation Not eXactly C (NXC) Programmer's Guide c:\NXC\NXCDocs\NXC_Guide.pdf Programming Lego Robots using NQC c:\NXC\NXCDocs\NQC_Tutorial.pdf NBC Manual c:\NXC\NBC\NBCDocs\NBCManual\NBC Manual.htm
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder4 BricxCC for NXT Information Early release v3.3, Copy BricxCC folder to c:\ original *.zip file in here Create shortcut on desktop Read the ReadMe file
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder5 BricxCC Setup Edit, Preferences Compiler Common: preferred language NXC NBC/NXC Include:.;c:\NXC\NXB EXE:.;c:\NXC\NXB
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder6 Compile and Download F5 is compile F6 is download Notice program number next to F5 and F6 commands Program location to load on NXT brick
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder7 Explore the NXT NeXTExplorer (GUI) Find it in the c:\BricxCC folder Use to download sound files and other things
CSCI 394© 2007 JW Ryder8 Samples Good ones in the NXCSamples folder Print and study “Alpha Rex” code