Chapter 7: Morality and Human Nature


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7: Morality and Human Nature Natural Law Theory Not the laws of nature Moral laws – prescriptive in that they tell us how we ought to behave Civil laws are likewise prescriptive Historical Origins: Aristotle An observer of Nature His teleological view provides a conclusion about human good

Chapter 7: continued Evaluating Natural Law Theory Determination of actions is a result of seeing moral law in human nature Can the way things are by nature provide a basis for knowing how they ought to be? Chance, direction, and the purpose of life

Chapter 7 continued Natural Rights – - for example - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness The long tradition of natural rights in Western philosophy Evaluating Natural Rights Theory Differing opinions on what the rights are Justifying the natural rights Other notions of human rights

Chapter 7: continued Reading: On Natural Law Article 2 Article 3 Self-evident rights Good and evil have contrasting ends Article 3 All virtuous acts pertain to the natural law Article 4 Is there one natural law that fits all?

Chapter 7: continued Question 95 Article 2 Article 3 What humans gain from natural law Article 3 The end of human law is the well being of humans

Chapter 7: continued Reading: Second Treatise of Civil Government To understand political power and its fit with the power of Nature The execution of the law of Nature is put in all men’s hands to refrain from invading others’ rights A state of Liberty but not license of Liberty The power of the magistrate

Chapter 7: continued Reading: Existentialism is a humanism Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself The meanings of subjectivism The meaning of anguish The existence of God in the mind of an existentialist