American Politics and Foreign Policy Separation of Power Prof. Jaechun Kim
Why did the Americans adopt such institutions? To persuade the skeptics, territorial division of power was not enough… ! *The primary concern was how to limit the power of the central government! (Think about it! They were building new central government!!) Preferred the stronger government, but hated concentration of the power! *Founding Fathers Popular electoral control over the ruling power was not enough… Why? If all the decisions are made by majoritarian rule, “ tyranny of majority ” is possible! Therefore, majoritarian will should not overwhelm minority opinions! Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
To prevent this, we need auxiliary mechanism… that was the system of “separation of power.” What are the tenets of American system of separation of power? Division of the state (federal government) power into legislative power, administrative power, and judicial power! Separate institutions will be in charge of running different government activities… but is this really what it is?
What are the (real) mechanisms by which these separate branches check and balance each other? (1) Separate institutions having separate powers – is this enough? What if these branches collaborate with each other? What if one faction – majority faction – controls all the branches? How can we prevent tyranny of majority? – Each separated institution will be accountable to different constituencies! Selection methods of each branch is different! President – electoral college Senators – state legislature (not any more…) Members of House – popular election Supreme Court Justices – ?
Different terms for different offices! President – 4 years Senators – 6 years Members of the House – 2 years Supreme Court Justices – ? Bicameral system instead of unicameral system! “Ambitions must be made to counteract ambition!” – James Madison “If human nature is good, we don’t need a government…”
(2) Another important thing: American Separation of Power government of separated institutions sharing powers instead of government of separated powers!!! Executive branch has some legislative power and legislative branch has executive power as well… Executive branch is the author of majority of proposed legislation.... It can veto the bills as well! Legislative branch is in charge of budgetary affairs! Judiciary branch decides whether the bills are in contradiction with the constitution… Founding Fathers installed many auxiliary devices to prevent tyranny of majority!!!
Efficiency vs. Limitation of Power Founding Fathers devised many restraining devices and Checks and Balances inefficiency and incoherence!! (particularly in times of divided government!) Multiple veto points… But American political system is meant to be inefficient !! Classical Liberalism! Trade-off between efficiency vs. limitation of power
Parliamentary system of the Great Britain compared Rule of the majority (Great Britain) vs. Rule based on consensus shared by various constituencies (the US) Lower chamber of the Parliament has all the constitutional power One party (or coalition of parties) gets it all! British governments, working within an un- codified constitution, have been more flexible and effective… US governments, with the codified constitution, are more inflexible…
Of course, the American political system has transformed over years, but the spirit of limited government is still there… this is very important!!! Origin of the nation; strong tradition of classical liberalism