What is LCDS? Microsoft Learning Content Development System is free authoring software which allows you to create interactive training materials which can be delivered using an Virtual Learning Environment such as Moodle, online via a website or distributed via DVD or memory sticks.
Getting Started First download the free program. The program downloads to the C drive and saves documents in the C drive while you are working on them. All templates are in the C drive, so it must be configured so that the drive is accessible to the program.
The workspace This is the workspace.
Start a new course On the menu ribbon click on “new”. This opens a label on the screen. Type in the name of the course. Your course should now be ready to be populated and you will see the branch lines for the course outline. Give the module a title.
Populate the course Give the first section a title. Select the first lesson and give it a title. The templates should now be active (change colour from grey to black) Select the activity template you want to use. Start creating the task. Save the task before moving on to next task or the changes will be lost.
The lesson creation page
Adding images Images to be used need to be pasted into the Media Folder. To do, find an image you want to use and copy it. Open up the Media Folder and paste the image into it. When in development mode, you can click on the browse tab to open the Media Folder and then insert the image.
Activities you can create Drag and drop Adventure game Slider Interactive job aid Sequence activity Animation Sort game Flip game Tile game Multiple choice True and false Simulation Experiments Text, picture and table on a page
Uploading To upload as an interactive document you need to create a SCORM package. To do this click > Create on the Toolbar Select > SCORM 1.2 Select > Create You should now have the Media Folder open. Select where you would like to save the package and name the package. Click OK.
Downloading Preview The save file will be a zipped one. Unzip the file to the location you want. Open the folder. There should be a html file called “wrapper” or “default”. Click on the file to open and view the course.
Uploading to Moodle Save the course as a zip file Launch Moodle and go to course In the topic select > Add an Activity > SCORM/AICC Upload in the usual fashion (do not unzip) Set the view size – 500 x 800 is good for a normal page Save and display. To open > Click on the title Click on > Enter.
Create a self study disk You can create a disk with the interactive materials on it by doing a normal burn.