The educational system in Germany by Esra Yaman
Vocational School It´s a school where you can learn an occupation with a lot of practical experience length: 2-3 years requirements for the school: „Abitur“ (school diploma after 12 or 13 years); „Realschulabschluss“ (school diploma after 10 years) graduation after 2-3 years
Dual education system You learn an occupation while you work (in this job) at a company and go to a vocational school practice: in the job theory: at the vocational school length: 2 to 3,5 years requirements for the school: „Abitur“ (school diploma after 12 or 13 years); „Realschulabschluss“ (school diploma after 10 years) graduation after 2-3,5 years: professional qualification chances in the employment market: a big chance to qualify and the graduation is highly esteemed
University Studies Different universities with different subjects and offers Requirement: „Abitur“- School diploma after 12 or 13 years You have to apply on your own with your „Abitur“ Only a certain number of students are admitted (the best); others have to wait