IEEE: An Overview Student Branch & Gold Congress Region 8 Arthur Winston IEEE President 4 -7, September 2004 Passau, Germany
IEEE Today World’s largest technical professional society Over 360,000 members 64,000 students Live & work in 170 countries Holds more than 300 international conferences annually Publishes over 30% of the world’s literature in our fields Offers more than 900 active industry standards
More about the IEEE Grouped into geographic and technical areas reflecting where we live and work 10 Regions 304 local Sections 1,300 Student Branches 10 Divisions 42 Societies and Councils 1384 Chapters 1300 Student Branches Affinity Groups
The IEEE Regions IEEE-USA IEEE Canada 7
IEEE: An Overview Why am I here?
IEEE: An Overview Why are you here?
IEEE: An Overview Why am I a member of IEEE? or Why have I remained a member of IEEE ?
IEEE: An Overview In conclusion: HAVE a GREAT and SUCCESSFUL CONGRESS!
What You Can Do Become and remain an IEEE member Get actively involved Attend IEEE-sponsored events Write for IEEE publications Take on leadership roles Tell others about the IEEE
Career Opportunities Build new skills by taking active role Network through Student Branch, Section and Chapter events IEEE Job Site
What happens after graduation? Reduced Dues program first year after graduation GOLD program for recent graduates in the first 10 years of their careers Networking for career opportunities Social activities IEEE Member Digital Library (subscription) available for researchers Opportunities to connect with IEEE colleagues worldwide
Your IEEE Fostering Technological Innovation Advancing Your Career
IEEE Today Membership Trends 361,138 First Decline in Membership Since 1996
Who Are our Members? 62% US-based,38% out of US 55% work for corporations, 16.6% in academia, 9.6 % in government 67% have graduate degree or better, 29% have earned PhDs 92% male, 8% female
IEEE Region 8 32,324 Higher Grade members +4.7% from prior year 9,723 Student members +10.7% from prior year 43 Sections 353 Chapters 194 Student Branches 31 Student Branch Society Chapters Membership Data as of February 2004
IEEE Region 8 Membership by Grade Membership Data as of February Honorary 42,047Total 9,723Student 590Fellow 2,845Senior Member 24,676Member 4,210Associate CountGrade
IEEE Region 8 Membership Growth February February 2004 * In 2002, members who had not renewed their membership for the current year were placed into arrears and removed from the statistics in April. For 2003 and 2004 this action was taken in February.
IEEE Fosters Technological Innovation Through its Publications IEEE produces 30% of the worlds literature in electrical and electronics engineering and computing Online access through IEEE Xplore® 123 magazines, journals and transactions Over 400 conference proceedings 900 industry standards More than 1 million articles
1 Million Documents!!! Users downloaded 43.6 million articles in ’03
IEEE Fosters Technological Innovation Through Conferences 300+ international conferences 100,000+ attendees overall Searchable IEEE conference database at First-hand information on the latest developments from leaders in their fields More than 3,000 annual technical meetings, symposia, and other local events.
IEEE Fosters Technological Innovation as a World Leader in Standards Development Nearly 900 active industry standards 400 in development Over 50 published in ,000 volunteers Newest areas: Wireless LAN/MAN, Batteries, Network Security, Software Engineering, Measuring EMF in Humans, and much more.
IEEE Standards Expand Reach Geographical portals Standards Africa™ Standards/Americas™ Standards/ Asia ™ Standards/ Europe™ IEC agrees to adopt and co-brand IEEE standards Working with ISO, ITU and others
IEEE Enhances Members’ Careers IEEE is looking at new ways to address a growing demand for continuing education to help members enhance their careers. IEEE Continuing Education Web-based courses Tutorials and short courses in at IEEE conferences and section meetings help meet local needs
Addressing the Global Demand for Continuing Education Free online seminars on product development, & engineering management 200 free distance learning courses for IEEE Computer Society members Online reference guide for instructional design and development IEEE Educational Activities investigating viability of providing online courses based on conference seminars via IEEE Xplore
Online Communities Enable Global Collaborations Over 85in operation with 9,000+ users Topics include Power & Energy, Embedded System, Product Safety, Ethernet P Optical Networks, Employment & Career Strategies IEEE governance-- SPC;Section/Chapter volunteers Global Section/Chapter Community enhances local progress.
Addressing a Global Concern For Pipeline of Talented Professionals to Enter Technology Fields IEEE Pre-College Initiatives Link Engineers and Educators Deans Summit – Collaborations between education and engineering deans to better prepare teachers to teach science, math and technology Pre-College Educator/Engineer Resource Site (PEERS) -- To help improve the pre- college teaching of science math and technology topics Pre-College Teacher In-Service Program for Sections- 420 teachers have been trained. Online kit with lesson plans available for use worldwide.
IEEE Benefits for Students Student dues are substantially discounted You receive full IEEE benefits…and more You are members of the Section and the Student Branch You receive IEEE Spectrum (monthly online and print) The Institute member newspaper (monthly online and 4 print issues) Potentials Magazine (6 print issues) optional $5 subscription for students out of North America
IEEE Benefits for Students 10 What’s Newsletters including What’s for Students IEEE Alias Service Permanent address Virus protection updated daily Members protected from more than 1.8 million viruses last year Online Services Join, Renew, Add Services, Update Records Student scholarships and awards offered by IEEE societies and other groups
What You Can Do Become and remain an IEEE member Get actively involved Attend IEEE-sponsored events Write for IEEE publications Take on leadership roles Tell others about the IEEE
Career Opportunities Build new skills by taking active role Network through Student Branch, Section and Chapter events IEEE Job Site
What happens after graduation? Reduced Dues program first year after graduation GOLD program for recent graduates in the first 10 years of their careers Networking for career opportunities Social activities IEEE Member Digital Library (subscription) available for researchers Opportunities to connect with IEEE colleagues worldwide
Issues Facing the IEEE IEEE’s future direction Strategic Focus Membership Globalization Access to technical information Volunteerism Relationships with Industry
Your IEEE Fostering Technological Innovation Advancing Your Career