1 Cambridge 2004 Wolfgang Baumjohann IWF/ÖAW Graz, Austria With help from: R. Nakamura, A. Runov, Y. Asano & V.A. Sergeev Magnetotail Transport and Substorms
2 Sun-Earth Connection
3 Standard Model Magnetospheric convection is driven by solar wind. Merging of dipolar field with southward IMF at MP Open field lines move tailward over polar cap Reconnection to dipolar & SW field lines in tail Closed field lines move sunward in equatorial plane
4 Inner Magnetosphere GEOS-2 Electron Beam Experiment measures "shift" of gyration circle of 1 keV electrons by electrical drift Southward IMF: convection towards magnetopause Northward IMF: only weak plasma flow Mean values for southward IMF correspond to standard model In inner magnetosphere quasi-static convection:
5 Dependence of convection velocity toward plasma sheet on polarity of IMF B Z clearly visible Lobe Convection - 1 Cluster Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) uses same principle as GEOS-2 Electron Beam Experiment Cluster/EDI gives first direct measurements of convection in lobe (measuring electric field in extremely thin plasma over polar cap)
6 Lobe Convection - 2 EDI data also show IMF B Y effect Shear flow in Y-Z plane
7 Magnetotail Pressure Catastrophe: Adiabatic convection: d/dt PV = 0, V = B -1 ds Flux tube volume strongly decreases toward Earth Convection stops to avoid pressure catastrophe Tail observations with IMP show: Fast Earthward flow for R E Closer in, convection severely slows down
8 Near-Earth Neutral Line Tail-like field geometry weakens pressure gradient Reconnection leads to smaller flux tube volume Earthward convection by bursty bulk flows Reversal of fast flow direction observed by Geotail Near-Earth neutral line located ~25 R E
9 Flow & Curv B Reversal Magnetic field components in Cluster barycentre: 4 current sheet traversals Field line curvature: curv B = (b.grad)b Flow and field line curvature reversal X-line moves tailward over Cluster
10 Reconnection & Hall Effect Ion Flow Reversal during 4 neutral sheet crossings X-line moves tailward over Cluster 500 km thin CS around X-line bifurcated current sheet on both sides Hall effect ( B y ) during ‘outer’ crossings shows ion decoupling
11 Electron Hall Current Cluster 2003 tail passes can resolve fine structure of currents J Y shows very thin current sheet (triple peaks?) J X consistent with electron Hall current in ion diffusion region
12 Currents at PSBL and X-line Strong flow shear (N-S electric field) and thin field aligned current layer (1500 km) during a substorm Consequence of Hall-effects in reconnection region and closure of the Hall-electric current Ion diffusion region
13 Braking & Dipolarization Intermittent high- speed Earthward flow bursts (~500 km/s) Bursty fast flows accompanied by dipolarization Fast flow braked near 10 R E by dipolar field More dipolar flux added by flow Pressure gradients lead to current wedge and aurora
14 Aurora & Electrojet Aurora (in upward field-aligned current region electrons are accelerated downward) Substorm electrojet (adds to convection electrojet) Flow braking and flow shear generate:
15 Flow Channel Width Cluster gives direct estimate of spatial scale of bursty bulk flows Vertical: R E, Azimuthal: 2-3 RE Sharper gradient on duskside flank
16 Aurora and Bursty Bulk Flow Isolated flow bursts with E>2mV/m (Geotail) always correspond to auroral activations (Polar). Auroral activations near foot point of satellite start within 1 min of flow burst onset.
17 Structure of Flow Bursts Spatial scale of flows Small expansion, pseudo-breakup 1.4 MLT (4-5 R E ) Auroral streamer (N-S aurora) 0.7 MLT (3-4 R E ) Flow bursts are centered 0.4 MLT east of aurora
18 Flow Bursts and FAC Scale size consistent with ionospheric observations Aurora corresponds to upward FAC in bubble model
19 Substorm Recovery 45 min after onset dipolarization front meets neutral line No reconnection in dipolar field; recovery phase begins Neutral line retreating tailward Fast flows transport dipolar field inward:
20 Summary Scenario Plasma energy dominant outside of 25 R E Flow uninhibited Magnetic energy increases near R E Pending pressure catastrophe leads to NENL Magnetic field dominant inside 15 R E Dipolar field brakes BBF: current wedge & aurora are generated Dipolarization front travels downtail and meets NENL near-Earth reconnection stops
21 Thanks…