The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics 2007/08 June 2008
The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics 2007/08 Professor Celia Hoyles June 2008
2 nd Annual Conference The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
NCETM: Vision To develop a sustainable national infrastructure for subject-specific professional development of teachers of mathematics that will: enable the mathematical potential of learners to be fully realised & raise the status of the profession My vision is that the NCETM will provide opportunities for all teachers of mathematics to embark on their own personalised mathematical CPD journeys
●Unerring focus on mathematics ●Developing excellence in teaching mathematics across all phases of education by sharing knowledge and practice ●Commitment to placing teachers’ needs and goals at its core ●Commitment to working in partnership to influence policy & practice Some key characteristics of the NCETM’s offer
NCETM Activity The Centre promotes a blended approach to effective CPD through a combination of ●face-to-face activity led by a team of Regional Coordinators ●interactions with NCETM on line portal
Impact Over 300% increase in registered users (now ) 100% increase in communities unique visitors to the portal in one month content hits in one month delegates at NCETM events in one month, from 950 schools, colleges and learning providers
Highlights of 2007/08 Events and networks Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
Highlights of 2007/08 Events and networks Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
NCETM National Events Teachers talking about teaching mathematics November 2007 about 180 participants plenaries (HEI, teachers) 64 teachers leading workshops on 42 projects poster display
Teachers Talking… “It's great to be given the opportunity to see what colleagues around the country are up to.” “The day confirmed my belief that we all live in hope – of that spark of real understanding from a child: will today be the day?”
NCETM National Events Potential of ICT in teaching & learning mathematics March 2008 About 350 participants Plenaries including the Minister: Rt Hon Jim Knight 24 workshops Poster display
The Potential of ICT… “I enjoyed yesterday and particularly thought that in comparison with the previous conference the teacher input was really improving. Perhaps it was the theme or perhaps it was luck, but maybe it shows that the NCETM grants are having some impact.” “Some of the input made me think about where we might be in years time. Thank you - a most enjoyable and thought provoking day.”
Networks Influence networks Teachers with the capacity to influence the professional development of their peers Regular face-to-face meetings Online support through portal page & community “I was surprised & impressed by the synergy Very inspiring - we definitely need to do that sort of thing more often. I've always been a bit suspicious of "student-centred" teaching, but when the students are teachers (us!) then I think it really works.” “50 highly qualified teachers - tons of potential!”
Network of primary schools in the East Midlands Teachers from four schools collaborating to develop ideas for teaching mathematics to more able children Supported by Head teachers Input by outside expert “It was a privilege to work alongside other experienced teachers.” “Even though we’re experienced teachers there are still a lot of new things you can learn.”
Nottingham Project John Blow & Bishop Alexander schools Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
225 Networks Teachers in their first years of teaching Face-to-face meetings Supported by the NCETM portal “ I have every intention of incorporating today’s pointers in my future lesson plans. This is a whole new outlook on the techniques of teaching which will be very useful to me as a new teacher.” “Working with like-minded teachers from other schools was a big plus and best of all was that it was cross phase. I learnt so much from all the others and went away with new ideas.”
Networks in post- compulsory sector e.g QIA Teaching and Learning Programme (Subject Learning Coaches) STEM networks Face-to-face meetings Supported by the portal – through a community, mathemapedia entries, selected resources “I was very fortunate that I managed to find the NCETM and come along to these meetings because they have been absolutely fantastic for my confidence…”
The reluctant mathematics teacher Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
Highlights of 2007/08 Networks and events Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
New tools on the NCETM portal Click here to view a related video on the NCETM Portal
The Professional Learning Framework Resources Courses and Events Professional Self-evaluation Research Mathemapedia Communities Blogs Personal and professional learning space Professional Self-evaluation
Professional self evaluation Interactive & exemplified TDA & LLUK Professional Standards Attributes Knowledge/Understanding Skills QTS Core Post threshold Excellent teacher AST
Take a lead in planning etc For example advise on materials & resources including ICT see also.....
Self-Evaluation: Mathematics Content Knowledge meaning of a fraction? example?
Self-Evaluation: Next steps portal links external links
Self-Evaluation: Mathematics-specific Pedagogy Select suitable learning activities?
Self-Evaluation: Feedback (primary mathematics coordinator) “I wanted to tell you that I have used the KS1 teacher self- evaluation tool very successfully with a group of our Numeracy Recovery teachers (intensive wave 3 maths intervention carried out in Y2). We wanted to identify next steps for training and to assess confidence levels amongst our teachers in terms of their ability to teach aspects of number, calculation and using and applying maths. The teachers responded anonymously and I was able to then collate their responses. This proved to be an effective and sensitive way of ascertaining levels of subject knowledge - thank you!”
The Professional Learning Framework: Resources Courses and Events Professional Self-evaluation Research Mathemapedia Communities Blogs Personal and professional learning space Resources
Portal micro-sites: national and regional projects and events Learning Taster modules (primary, secondary and FE, 10-hour study) Secondary magazine Partner resources
Resources NCETM portal Micro-sites Teachers Talking Theory in Action Teachers Talking Theory in Action: South West video project Learning Outside the Classroom Maths at Work: video clips “What mathematics would be involved in the work you have just watched?”
Resources:Learning Taster Modules FE: Enabling Reflective Practice funded by QIA Secondary: The New Curriculum: Opportunities for Creativity in partnership with QCA & SNS Links to NRICH & Bowland Maths Primary Making Connections in Mathematics in partnership with QCA Launch early July
Resources Secondary Magazine A bi-weekly resource for secondary school teachers Feature article – stimulating debate Advice for addressing current department issues Prompts and routes for professional development Department workshops to integrate into the development plan “Thought provoking in its suggestions.”
The Professional Learning Framework Resources Courses and Events Professional Self evaluation Research Mathemapedia Communities Blogs Personal and professional learning space Communities
Maths Cafe most popular my favourite sequences finding the nth term Number increased by 100% 136 are hidden Developed archive functionality
Assessment for learning Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
The Professional Learning Framework Resources Courses and Events Professional Self evaluation Research Mathemapedia Communities Blogs Personal and professional learning space Personal Learning Space
Career portfolio plan for your appraisal
Personal Learning Space “The personal learning space has changed my life! It’s so easy to use and I’m finding it a great way to organise everything. It also helps me maximise the usefulness of the NCETM portal itself. I use it all the time now, storing interesting things that I discover around the site, and sharing things with other users.”
Teachers’ views of portal Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
Highlights of 2007/08 Networks and events Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
Enhancing CPD Provision Subject Leader Courses with subject associations Two 10-day courses: both oversubscribed Online course will be introduced in Autumn “This has been an excellent opportunity to think reflectively about the role of a subject leader, to engage intelligently with relevant research and to contribute towards formulating an individual philosophy to shape the coming years of my career.” “Extremely valuable, allowing me time to reflect on best practice and what I want to implement as a head of subject.” College Organisation of Mathematics Research in London & National dissemination events Highlighting benefits of whole-organisation approach to mathematics –Drafting case studies of examples to go on portal
NCETM Standard Quality indicators for CPD providers Self-assessment approach Piloting over the summer months 30 providers to be included in pilot
Highlights of 2007/08 Networks and events Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
Research into and as Part of Effective CPD Researching Effective CPD in mathematics education (RECME) Portal micro site Mathematics Matters Workshop this afternoon NCETM grants
NCETM Grants grants awarded on basis of proposal from collaborative groups have to report on portal and at NCETM events with reporting supported by NCETM 68 grants awarded to date
Grants Impact South Hunsley Four teachers collaborating, led by AST New schemes of learning Engaging the less able Marked improvement in GCSE results (19 predicted C or above & 34 achieved it) “We've awakened mathematics in pupils that had been turned off before and accessed some boys who have liked the fact that we change activity several times during the lesson."
Grants Impact Portsmouth Project Improving teaching through coaching All teachers in LA Funding from NCETM matched by LA Supported by Portsmouth University Most improved authority in England at KS2 in 2007 results up 8% 5% improvement at GCSE “At the end of the day, even with the technology, it is a good teacher that makes the difference … working with their own enthusiasm for their subject and their skill.” Workshop this afternoon
Cooperative learning Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
NCETM Grants Quote “The grant award from National Centre for the Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics has been enormously beneficial to both mathematics staff and pupils. The whole process of application through to implementation has enabled each staff member to be more focused in our thinking. Cooperative Learning represents a fundamental shift in our current practice and has brought into sharp focus the link between our continuing professional development as teachers and pupil attainment.”
Targeted Grants For the 2008 round of grants we plan to include grants targeted at 3 areas: –how the NCETM portal tools are used to support school- or college-based collaborative professional development –how best to translate ‘research into practice’ (first piloted in March 2008) – how the NCETM can best extend its reach to provide support for teachers of mathematics who are not able to access current offers
Sharing Evidence Evidence Bulletin Teacher Enquiry Bulletin Research into Practice Grants
Highlights of 2007/08 Networks and events Development of portal tools Enhancing CPD provision Research into and as part of effective CPD Engaging with more teachers and leaders
Engaging with more Teachers and Leaders Guardian supplement Termly newsletter Monthly e-newsletters Working with partners “This is a really comprehensive collection! Looks very useful.” CD for ITE (with Dave Miller)
New Ways to Engage: online panel discussion Panel: Chief Inspector for Mathematics, Head of Mathematics and me Chair: Linton Waters Over 100 viewers Questions ed in before, during and after the event Video available online, with further discussion on associated community Please watch the video and join the online community ● how do you teach proof? ● what place do you think proof has in the mathematics curriculum? ● what age should proof be introduced to learners and how? join us at
Working in Partnership Contribution to Williams’ review Working with Bowland Maths Working with STEM, QIA, DIUS 3 December conference ‘Partnerships between schools, colleges and HEIs’ with More Maths Grads
Bowland Maths Exciting and innovative materials Wide range of topics and approaches Thinking, reasoning, analysis & problem solving Five accompanying professional development materials –The case studies and mathematics –Tackling unstructured problems –Fostering and managing collaborative work –ICT: using resources effectively –Questioning and addressing
Bowland Maths Click to view the video on the NCETM Portal
NCETM and Bowland Discussion forum for case studies and CPD modules on NCETM portal (with animator) Features in NCETM secondary magazine Workshop this afternoon
Objectives for to engage more teachers in CPD for mathematics extend the use of our blended approach to enhancing subject knowledge & pedagogy work with others to enhance subject knowledge for teaching & subject leadership work with HEIs, particularly initial teacher education ●strengthen & increase the number of our influence networks broaden our support among heads & principals work with ACME work with National STEM Director New projects Primary magazine UP2D8 Maths: mathematics in the news FE summer school Inspiring primary Mathematics Champions
build our community “Through the NCETM I have a sense that a real mathematical community is starting to be developed, nurtured and appreciated. As a maths teacher for over 25 years I now have access to external support and dialogue, peer support, opportunities for learning and to build on my own expertise as a leader of CPD within my department.”