1 “ U.S. Aids to Navigation – Road Signs of the Waterways”
2 Directions U.S. Aids to Navigation Buoys: U.S. Aids to Navigation: The Lateral System U.S. Aids to Navigation: The Lateral System Port & Starboard Port & Starboard Answer Slides Index Extension: Navigation Rules The End – a Discussion about Activity References
3 Read the website that is referenced for each section. Close off the article when you have finished reading the information. Then take the quiz! See what you can remember. Then go to The End and participate in a group discussion if possible!
4 U.S. Aids to Navigation - overview Read this overview of the U.S. Aids to Navigation and then answer the following questions on it! U.S. Aids to Navigation U.S. Aids to Navigation
5 Question 1. - U.S. Aids to Navigation 1. Why and with what system are “The waters of the United States and its territories” marked with navigational aids? 1. Why and with what system are “The waters of the United States and its territories” marked with navigational aids? a. To assist navigation by the U.S. Aids to Navigation System a. To assist navigation by the U.S. Aids to Navigation System b. To show who owns the waters and where not to trespass, Water Ownership System
6 Question 2. - Navigation Tools 2. What additional tool is intended for use with the U.S. Aids to Navigation System? a. A Rules of the Road Handbook b. Nautical Charts c. Compass
7 Question 3. - Primary Components 3. What are the primary components of the U.S. Navigation System? a. Nuns & Cans b. Stop Signs & Yield Signs c. Beacons & Buoys
8 About Buoys Review the following website about Navigation Aids – the Lateral System (as seen entering from seaward) & Navigation Aids – the Lateral System Navigation Aids – the Lateral System Read about Port and Starboard in the the first section of this article: Port & Starboard Port & StarboardPort & Starboard (Click on Port & Starboard for a definition.) (Click on Port & Starboard for a definition.)Port & StarboardPort & Starboard Then answer the following questions.
9 Question 4. - Buoys 4. How are buoys attached in the ocean and estuaries? a. Permanently fixed to the earth’s surface a. Permanently fixed to the earth’s surface b. Floating & Moored by anchors b. Floating & Moored by anchors
10 Question 5. - Beacons 5. How are beacons attached in the ocean & estuaries? a. Permanently fixed to the earth’s surface a. Permanently fixed to the earth’s surface b. Floating & Moored by anchors b. Floating & Moored by anchors
11 Question 6. - Port & Starboard 6. Which is correct? a. Facing the front of a ship or an airplane, Port is the left side and Starboard is the right side. b. Facing the front of a ship or an airplane, Port is the right side and Starboard is the left side. Port is the right side and Starboard is the left side.
12 Question 7. - Navigational Buoys 7. Which is correct – when returning to a harbor? a. Port side buoys have even numbers and Starboard side buoys have odd numbers. b. Port side buoys have odd numbers and Starboard side buoys have even numbers.
13 Question 8. - Colors of Port & Starboard, Cans & Nuns 8. Which is correct? A. Port & Cans are green; Starboard & Nuns are red. B. Port & Cans are red; Starboard & Nuns are green.
14 Answer Slides Questions 1., 2., & 3.: U.S. Aids to Navigation Questions 4. & 5.: Buoys & Beacons Questions 6., 7. & 8.: Port & Starboard Go to Navigation Rules Information Page Go to “End Discussion”
15 Answer: 1.- a. - U.S. Aids To Navigation System The waters of the United States and its territories are marked to assist navigation by the U.S. Aids to Navigation System. This system employs a simple arrangement of colors, shapes, numbers and light characteristics to mark navigable channels, waterways and obstructions adjacent to these. BACKNext Question BACKNext Question
16 Answer: 2 - Nautical Charts 2-b: Nautical Charts Charts are one of the most important tools used by boaters for planning trips and safely navigating waterways. Charts show the nature and shape of the coast, buoys and beacons, depths of water, land features, directional information, marine hazards and other pertinent information. This valuable information cannot be obtained from other sources, such as a road map or atlas. Next Question Back
17 Answer: 3 - Beacons & Buoys 3.- C. Back Lighthouses are Beacons & Nuns are Buoys Hendrick’s Head Lighthouse & Nun, Sheepscot River, Southport Island Resources for Next Questions
18 Answer: 4. - Buoys 4. – Buoys are floating aids that come in many shapes and sizes. They are moored to the seabed by concrete sinkers with chain or synthetic rope moorings of various lengths connected to the buoy body. They are intended to convey information to the boater by their shape or color, by the characteristics of a visible or audible signal, or a combination of two or more such features. Back Next Question
19 Answer: 5. - Beacons 5. – 5. – Beacons are aids to navigation structures that are permanently fixed to the earth's surface. They range from lighthouses to small, single-pile structures and may be located on land or in the water. Lighted beacons are called lights; unlighted beacons are called daybeacons. Beacons exhibit a daymark to make them readily visible and easily identifiable against background conditions. Generally, the daymark conveys to the boater, during daylight hours, the same significance as does the aid's light or reflector at night. BackNext Question
20 Answer: 6. - Port & Starboard 6. – A. Facing the bow of the ship ~ Port is the left and Starboard is the right. Next Question Back
21 Answer: 7. - Navigational Buoys 7. – B. Port side Aids have odd numbers; Starboard side Aids have even numbers. Burnt Island Lighthouse & Can Back Next Question
22 Answer: 8. - Colors of Port & Starboard, Cans & Nuns 8. – A. Cans are Green & Nuns are Red Hendrick’s Head Lighthouse & Nun Hendrick’s Head Lighthouse & Nun Back Go to Navigation Rules Information Links
23 Sorry!! I am sorry – your answer was incorrect…. Please Try Again! Click here to go Back to your Question.
24 Navigation Rules - If you are interested… you will learn more about this later! The Navigation Rules are much like the rules of the road on the highway. They establish a consistent way to navigate safely and avoid collisions when two boats are crossing paths, are on course to meet head-on, or when one boat wishes to overtake another. To review or download the Navigation Rules - click here: U.S. Coast Guard's Navigation RulesU.S. Coast Guard's Navigation Rules Go to The End!
25 How did you do? Did you learn something? Would you like to go boating on the ocean and become a sea captain? There are many careers out there – related to the ocean. The Coast Guard and Navy are two that may interest you and many private shipping firms and tugboat companies. Working for the Portland Cruise Line is fun (and hard work) too. Have a class discussion! For References – click forward button.
26 tm 1. U.S. Aids to Navigation tm tm tm 2. Navigation Aids – the Lateral System m m m 3. Port and Starboard 4. 4. U.S. Coast Guard's Navigation Rules les.htm les.htm