Changing Practice, Changing Lives Using engaging online instruction to influence physical therapist practice in an assistive technology course Jennifer Blackwood PT, PhD(c), GCS 2013
The Course, The Challenge Online Assistive Technology Course Adult Learners Knowles’ Theory of Andragogy Relevance of assignments 2 challenges: 1. To use experiential learning in an online course 2. To make an assignment relevant to the adult learner
The Task Alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) module No ‘physical’ Assistive Technology to use So…. Read the book OR Do something else
The…Something Else Free AAC Software Experiential learning- use the software to communicate Discussion/Reflection
Changing Lives An Example
Changing Practice Use in clinics without access to this technology Used to work collaboratively with other health care professionals Journal clubs Knowledge translation
Final Comments Consider the learner Relevance of assignments Engagement beyond read & discuss