Author:Chi Minh Nguyen Advisor:Dr. Kevin Pyatt Institution:Eastern Washington University Education Department
1. Problem and questions that led to research. 2. Methods for responding to the problem and questions. 3. Major findings from literature review. 4. Implication and application of the findings. 5. Next step in my teaching career.
Computers supported education and emerging technologies have changed the way modern students access learning. To develop effective teaching and learning for modern students in secondary education that potentially benefits them, a sound instructional design process and an extensive supported literature review was followed to produce a blended/hybrid 3D- Animation-Modeling Curriculum in order to teach 3d content to modern high school students. The significance/implication of this presentation is that “Effective blended/hybrid instructional design that focuses on students learning preferences in modern education can potentially engages its learners.”
Because engaging students in learning is a major problem in modern education, this combined qualitative, survey and design research case study will explore how to design effective blended curriculum that promises to increase social interaction, pedagogical richness, and learning flexibility for the students at a high school in the Pacific Northwest.
This combined (Literature review, survey and design research case study) will explore how to design effective blended curriculum that promises to increase social interaction, pedagogical richness, and learning flexibility for the students at a high school in the Pacific Northwest.
1. What are the potential benefits of using blended learning to teach modern high school students? 2. How do teacher design effective blended curriculum to enhance learning for the digital natives? 3. What are high school students' attitudes toward traditional teaching methods versus newer, hybrid/blended teaching approaches?
Blended curriculum has been proposed as one solution that can enhance student learning and engagement, improve access and flexibility, and address organizational and institutional imperatives in education (De George-Walker, Hafeez-Baig, Gururajan, &Danaher, 2010; Graham, 2006).
What are the potential benefits of using blended learning to teach modern high school students? Increasing Social Interactivity. (Use of Internet) Offering Pedagogical Richness. (Khan Academy) Promoting Greater Access to Knowledge and Learning Flexibility. (Learn any time any where) Improving Student Learning Outcomes. (Pew Foundation shows decrease in drop out rate.)
How do teacher design effective blended curriculum to enhance learning for the digital natives? Incorporating Instructional Design Model. Finding the Right Mixture of the Blend. Integrating Practical and Relevant Learning Theories. Following Aesthetic Principles of Instructional Design.
What are high school students' attitudes toward traditional teaching methods versus newer, hybrid/blended teaching approaches? Students are generally very positive about their experiences (Norman, 2007). At the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee campus, 80% of the students indicated they thought the experience was worthwhile and that they would recommend a course offered in a blended format to others (Aycock, Garnham, & Kaleta, 2002).
1. Applied Dick and Carey’s Instructional Design Model to Design Hybrid 3D Curriculum. 2. Designed both formative and summative instruments that engage students. 3. This research project helps me design effective instructions for high school students.
Applied Dick and Carey’s Instructional Design Model to Design 3D Curriculum.
Formative Assessment: Combination of quizzes, assignments, projects, and presentations. Summative Assessment: online survey is used to generate feedback for curriculum improvement.
Use a variety of interactive media to improve learning and address learning objectives. Plan to enhance face-to-face learning by blending it with e-learning to produce a hybrid learning environment that best serve students learning needs. Plan to make my teaching instructions effective, efficient and attractive so that learning can be engaging and productive for my students.
Effective blended/hybrid instructional design that focuses on students learning preferences in modern education can potentially engage its learners.