Panel Discussion May 27, 2011 John F. Beyers, Ph.D. Academic Director, UMUC USDLA, MD Chapter
Welcome & Introductions National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Johns Hopkins University, Associate Director, Distance Education University of Maryland University College, Academic Director Maryland Distance Learning Association, Past- President US Distance Learning Association, MD-Chapter Representative
Overview of Online Education "Today, I don't think any college or university has an option not to have a virtual presence. So the question is, what form does that take, and who drives that in terms of its full integration into a face-to-face campus...“ “Two benefits of online learning -- cost reduction and the ability to use educational technology to create and measure more standardized learning outcomes.” Western Governors University (May 2011)
Grants and Sustainability (Brief Overview, Selected) AT&T Foundation: $500,000 Toyota Foundation: $250,000 Gates Foundation: $750,000 (University Program)
University Program Sustainability University Program Sustainability is the ability of a program to continue engaging students to meet the needs of the students, through potentially changing circumstances and sources of support.
Components for University Program Sustainability SYNERGY among: University Mission / Goals Program Level Outcomes Course Level Outcomes Outcomes-based Assessment (Evaluation of Programs, Courses, Faculty, and Students) Sufficient “Business Model”
Quality of Programs External Accrediting Entities (University / Program Level): Outcomes-based assessment Quality Matters (Course Level) Faculty Input/Feedback Student Input/Feedback
Mission and Purpose of USDLA State Chapters Mission: State Chapters To support the development and application of distance learning, education and training (DLE&T) by uniting state- wide learners. Purpose: State Chapters Create powerful alliances to meet the burgeoning education and training needs of state-wide learning communities. Learning, education and training communities include: Corporate Training - Pre K-12 - Higher Education Home Schooling - Continuing Education Military & Government Education & Training
Goals of USDLA State Chapters To provide state-wide leadership in the field of distance learning, education & training. To advocate and promote the use of distance learning, education & training within the state. To provide current information on distance learning, education & training within the state. To represent the distance learning, education & training community before state-wide government policy and regulatory bodies.
State Chapter Benefits Washington Policy Emphasis and Congressional Relations Global Focus Gateway to USDLA and Distance Learning National Recognition Practitioners’ Publication Powerful network of Leaders in Business and Industry Chapter Support Legal Representation
Organizations… a Start… US Distance Learning Association (USDLA): Maryland Distance Learning Association (MDLA): University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA):
Welcome Discussion Feel free to contact me if you would like to continue a discussion…