Andrew Ferlitsch 12-March-2014 OpenGeoCode.Org “Open Data Project” Paper: 1
Data was manipulated using Excel Spreadsheets Business-Oriented personnel manipulated data in Excel spreadsheets to project Market/Sales. 64,000 record limit to Excel. Not Big Data – anything less than 64K records 2
Number of Data Records exceeded 64K (Excel Limitation) Data migrated to databases. Businesses hired database engineers to develop queries to reduce the data < 64K records. Once again, data could be manipulated by Businesses Oriented personnel in Excel. 3
Amount of Data Got Bigger Heavily driven by data collections such as credit card transactions in the travel and hospitality and retail industries. Databases migrated to Bigger Servers Businesses hired IT personnel to support database engineers. Database engineers continued to develop queries to reduce the data < 64K records. Once again, data could be manipulated by Businesses Oriented personnel in Excel. 4
Major Airlines and Major Hotel Chains were the initial major drivers of Big Data Collect occupancy information to predict likelihood of filling a seat or room in real-time. Airlines/Hotels were looking to know when to increase rates on the last remaining 5-10% seats/rooms (not discount!). Airlines/Hotels starting using real-time information (secret sauce) to know when NOT to discount because it would fill anyways! 5
Major Airlines and Major Hotel Chains an Industry where margins are low most airlines have low profit margins, around 5% The average global profit margin for the global airline industry is 3.4% This ‘reverse discounting’ raises profit margins without: Expanding Market Share New Marketing Campaigns Increase in Manpower New Management 6
Online Retailers using Big Data to drive recommendation engines. Categorize User (Visitor) into Customer Profiles. Demographics Purchasing History Build Likelihood to Purchase Graphs (much like social graphs in social technologies). Purchasing History of recent customers within the customer profile group. Current site visiting activity. Current and recent purchases. Uses recommendations to increase the number of items a person buys on an online visit. 7
Brick & Mortar retailers looking into how to use the Reverse Discounting Method for Stock on Shelfs. Using Historic Data + Real-Time information to know when to Reverse Discount (i.e., Not Discount – because it will sells anyways!) Hadoop, “R”, and leasing server time is the “in” thing. Reverse Discounting Higher Profit Margin Increase P & L Drives Market Capitalization = Corporate Value 8