UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Chief Executives Board for Coordination CEB Unesco, Paris, 2 and 3 November th Senior Fellowship Officers meeting Handbook for Fellowship Officers
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM 2 The CEB structure Chief Executives Board for Coordination Three interagency support structures: HLCP UNDG HLCM Finance and Budget Network Human Resources Network Information and Communication Network Procurement Network
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM The Human Resources Network Human Resource Directors from across the system Wide variety of topics ranging from –contractual arrangements to safety and security –education grant to disability policy Meetings in Spring and Autumn Handbook for Fellowships Officers on Spring 2011 agenda 3
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Process for endorsement Agree final amendments of text at 18 th meeting of SFOs Present final agreed text to HR Director (list of names provided) in each organisation, making sure to explain –The structure and use of fellowships in your organisation and the use for the Handbook –The support required for endorsing the Handbook at the Spring 2011 HR Network meeting Process supported by CEB Secretariat 4
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Proposed changes Fellowship procedures 26. Home leave – travel expenses (DSA, terminal and visa fees etc) should be the responsibility of the fellow. Study Tours and Group Training 14. Visa fees -...reimburse such fees, if finances allow, to the study tour participants Airport taxes -... reimburse such fees, if finances allow, to the study tour participants 5
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Stipend Proposed by the Senior Adviser HR Management –Use the NPO salary and post adjustment to calculate stipends per duty station Will be tested over the coming weeks so that a concretised proposal can go to HR Network meeting in
Chief Executives Board for Coordination UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Contacts Senior Adviser for Human Resources Management Marta Leichner-Boyce Human Resources Programme Coordinator Petra ten Hoope-Bender 7