Studies in 1 st and 2 nd Peter
1 st Peter 2:11-17 We are resident aliens Living in enemy-occupied territory Therefore you can expect: The world will “speak against you as evildoers” (1 st Pet. 2:12)
1 st Peter 2:11-17 How does a Christian live in such a hostile live in such a hostileenvironment? Submit to every ordinance (2:13) “Having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles” (2:12) Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
1 st Peter 2:11-17 Optimism that an attractive, winsome life will… Prove that all the ignorant charges against them are false and silence (muzzle) their enemies (2:15) Change the minds of some and lead them to glorify God (2:12)
1 st Peter 2:11-17 Do not give them ammunition to use against Christ and the gospel!!
1 st Peter 2:18-25 Submission… “To the good and gentle” (2:18) “To the harsh” (2:18) 1. “Conscience toward God” (2:19-20) 2. “To this you were called” (2:21) 3. Bring people to Christ (2:21-25)
1 st Peter 2:18-25 Christians should be… The greatest workers because of Who we of Who we work for work for (Eph. 6:7; Col. 3:23)
1 st Peter 3:1-7 The Christian wife is not to: Force God’s word Force God’s word upon her husband upon her husband Seek to influence Seek to influence him by her him by her physical beauty. physical beauty.
1 st Peter 3:1-7 The Christian wife is to: Submit to his headship Submit to his headship Let him see her Let him see her chaste conduct chaste conduct Focus on Focus on spiritual adornment spiritual adornment Wait for the word Wait for the word to change him. to change him.
1 st Peter 3:1-7 The Christian husband is to: husband is to: Dwell with her Dwell with her with understanding with understanding Give honor to her Give honor to her as the weaker vessel as the weaker vessel 1. She is an heir with him of the grace of life. 2. So his prayers will not be hindered.
1 st Peter 3:8-12; 4:7-11; 5:5-7 “Love will cover a multitude of sins” (1 st Pet. 4:8). “Clothed with humility” (1 st Pet. 5:5-7; Jn. 13).
1 st Peter 3:8-12; 4:7-11; 5:5-7 The Road To Harmony & Happiness (1 st Pet. 3:8-12) Evil for good is Satan’s way Evil for evil & good for good is the human way (Mt. 5:46) Good for evil is the Christian way
1 st Peter 5:1-4 Psalm 78:70-72 “They Smell Like Sheep” Like Sheep” “Shepherd”
GOD is at work in all our relationships to bring even our enemies to Christ!! May we shine in troubled times. To this we were called.