1 New Media Literacy For Media Professionals Andrej Školkay Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
The key project objective: To help journalists, especially freelancers, in search for information and in data analysis with freely available software + some update on recent developments in online issues (e.g. ethics) 2 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
The key long-term aim: to contribute to improved quality of media and communication in EPS via strengthening skills and exchange of experience and best practices of professionals in media and communication. 3 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
4 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
+ 5 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Analog vs. digital information Włodzimierz Gogołek, The Institute of Journalism, University of Warsaw, Refining Information from the Internet. The New Information Source for Media For the first time the sum of digital information produced during one year (2010) exceeded a Zetta Byte 6 Włodzimierz Gogołek, The Institute of Journalism, University of Warsaw, Refining Information from the Internet. The New Information Source for Medi
Evolution of Communication/Media access 7
8 to obtain previously unavailable information about: social phenomena, countries, organizations and individuals (such as their mutual relations, migrations, etc.). Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
9 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Advanced tools Attentio DigPop Radian6 Sysomos NetBase Collective Intellect Alterian Google Alerts Google BooksNgram Viewer 10
11 76% accuracy e.g. Geocoding Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
12 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
13 Semantic Search - Gets highest amount valid content Boolean Search Misses 40% Key word Only Oversta ted 800% SEARCH TECHNOLOGY COMPARISONS Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
14 There is a paradox related to forecasting in many areas within the social sciences; methods of pattern recognition and statistical prediction are more difficult to apply in the short term than they are in the long term. Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Do we live in less or more war-orientated world in the last 20 years? Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
In the 1993 Foreign Affairs article, Huntington writes: It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.[2][2] In the end of the article, he writes:This is not to advocate the desirability of conflicts between civilizations. It is to set forth descriptive hypothesis as to what the future may be like Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
BUT! Interpretation! Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
World Peace, , English books Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Peace, , English books
21 /clusteredition/sk/latest.html Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
22 xplorer/home/en/latest.html Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
23 s/homeedition/en/home.html Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
24 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
25 EXAMPLES: Geo Real Time Categories example Swine Flu - real time monitoring of swine flu reports in the news using Google maps Or on Google EarthGeo Real Time Categories example Swine FluOr on Google Earth Geo real time clusters - real time visualization of news clusters Google Maps Or on Google EarthOr on Google Earth Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
What can we achieve? How do we achieve that? 26 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
27 Pedro Pinto´s algorithm Rooting out rumors, epidemics, and crime Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
28 an algorithm that can identify the source of an epidemic or information circulating within a network Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
29 E.g. Finding the source of a Facebook rumor Identifying the brains behind a terrorist attack Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
The assessment of emotional relationships sympathy, resentment, sense of happiness, optimism, pessimism, fear, anxiety. 30 John Hersey, The New York Times Company, September 9, 2012 The New York Times Company
TRACKING THE FLU The relative frequency of flu-related keywords in Google searches closely tracks flu statistics in Poland as monitored by the government officials
Information on the course of the 2010 presidential elections in Poland The negative conotation of the social media contents about the leading candidates, broken down by weeks (5 May - 4 July 2010) - the number of references
HOW It is Possible To Locate a Terrorist? Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
Global geocoded tone of all Summary of World Broadcasts content, January 1979–April 2011 mentioning “Bin Laden” 34 Leonardo da Vinci Project : New Media Literacy for Media Professionals Partners: SKAMBA (SK), Media21Foundation (BG), FOPSIM (MT) and Videovest (RO). This presentation was prepared by SKAMBA and is free to use under condition of acknowledging autorship
35 Illustrativ e Risk Map based on World Bank, UN, and Bureau of Statistics Data.