Town of Norwell Board of Selectmen Fiscal 2007 BUDGET PRESENTATION Monday, April 24, 2006
HOW DID WE GET HERE? Increase in Fixed Costs -Health Insurance Increase$573,320 -Pension Cost Increase$113,319 $686,639
Levy Limit (2.5%) without Override$587,580 New Growth$400,000 Health Insurance Increase ($573,320) Pension Increase ($113,319) Debt Service($42,664) Available $258,277 STRUCTURAL DEFICIT = $0 Additional for Town or Schools
Fixed Costs vs. State Aid
Net State Aid
WHY NOT USE THE STABILIZATION OR OTHER FUNDS NOW TO BALANCE THE BUDGET? Does not make fiscal sense to continue using one time revenue to fund recurring operational costs – Only makes the problem worse An override without a vote Endanger our credit rating – Would damage our ability to borrow at a favorable rate in the future.
How does it Work Advisory Board has presented a balanced budget for FY2007. Involves reductions in numerous departments to balance budget Warrant has 3 additional options. Each one restores a level of services to a particular line item. Larger options contain all items in the lesser options ($840,953 override is contained in both the $1.5 m and $1.9 m options).
Impacts to General Government Side Library($126,182) Recreation($10,000) Council on Aging($12,500) Board of Health($10,000) Police Department($66,000) Call Firefighters($8,881)
Impacts to General Government Side Treasurer/Collector($3,500) Commission on Disabilities($1,500) Beautification, Advisory Board, Cemetery, Historical Commission, PBMC ($5,435) Group Insurance($100,000) Will have a significant impact to the level of services.
Option 1 Maintains current staff (no hire/no fire) Does not improve or restore service levels on general government side Would result in larger class sizes Restores cuts outlined in 2007 Balanced budget column
Option 2 Contains all of the provisions of Option 1 Adds 7 additional classroom teachers for $357,000 to help meet classroom educational guidelines. $165,000 for text book adoption in Schools Restores some clerical assistance at Town Hall cut in FY2006 Restores position in Tree & Grounds Department cut in FY2006 for field & grounds maintenance.
Option 3 Contains all of the provisions of Options 1 & 2 Restores clerical positions cut in FY06 Restores Library hours cut in FY06 Adds weekend Library hours in the summer “Partial Full Restoration” in School Department
Ballot Questions 3 Options on the Ballot Option 1 - $840,953 Option 2 - $1,534,550 Option 3 - $1,950,409 The question with the highest dollar amount that passes is the question that goes into effect. Funds those lines specified in the Warrant for that option. Does not require a further Town Meeting vote.
What should you do? Review the Warrant Check Advisory Board Balanced Budget column and various override options Know what your choices are Attend Town Meeting May 8, 2006 Vote – This is your chance to decide what services you want and what taxes you want to pay. Vote for one option, all options or against all options but exercise your right and VOTE on May 20, 2006
The FY07 Budget and Town Meeting Presentation Town of Norwell Advisory Board
The Role of the Advisory Board To Receive Budget Requests from All Departments To Organize a balanced Budget and recommend such to Town Meeting To investigate and consider all articles in the Warrant to be brought before the Town and to report and advise... Has the vested authority to examine the books and records of any Town Board or official…
FY07 New Revenue Summary 2 ½ Percent Increase$ 587,580 New Growth$ 400,000 Net State Aid*$ 73,943 Total$1,061,523 *Note: Net State Aid is Estimated
Net State Aid (Aid less Assessments) FY06 State Aid$ 2,359,697 FY07 Governor’s Proposed$ 2,433,640 Net Increase$ 73,943 FY07 House Proposed$ 2,275,061 Net Decrease$ 84,636 Note: FY07 Budget developed with Governor’s numbers - ($158,579) difference
FY07 Cost Increase Summary Pension Costs$ 113,319 Health Insurance$ 573,320 Debt Service (under Levy)$ 42,664 Schools$ 786,201 Departmental Requests$ 613,610 Total $1,902,476 Note: Energy costs excluded
FY07 Available Funds Sources: Free Cash$ 316,816 Overlay Surplus$ 1,000,000 Stabilization$ 1,400,000 Uses: Special Town Meeting Articles$ 320,000 Capital and Other Articles$ 836,889 Reduce Tax Rate (Article 46)$ 400,000
Advisory Board Actions Considered all departmental budgets and all Articles for Town Meeting Voted to Recommend budgets that included an override of $ 840,953 and $1,534,550 Voted not to Recommend budgets that included a $1,950,407 override, or no override at all Voted to Recommend cuts for a balanced, no override budget
FY07 Reductions if No Override School Department$ 497,651 Beautification Committee$ 500 Commission on Disabilities$ 1,500 Advisory Board $ 1,485 PBMC$ 700 Treasurer Collector$ 3,500 Police Department$ 66,000
FY07 Reductions if No Override Call Fire $ 8,881 Council On Aging$ 12,500 Board of Health$ 10,000 Cemetery $ 1,000 Historical Commission$ 1,750 Library$ 126,182 Recreation$ 10,000 Group Insurance$ 100,000
Where does the money go? Based on FY06 Budget
Property Tax Impact
Impact of School Building Loan: Per Thousand
IMPORTANT DATES Town Meeting May 8 (9), 2006 Special Town ElectionMay 20, 2006 Town MeetingMay 22, 2006
Town of Norwell Board of Library Trustees Impact of No Override
A Reduction of $126,000 Means: Loss of ¼ of annual budget Reduction of 1/3 of library staff Loss of 1/3 of book budget Library is closed one additional day Fewer programs offered
Longer wait time for requested materials Reduction in state library aid Certification jeopardized Eligibility for grants jeopardized A Reduction of $126,000 Means:
Override Option 1: Retains 46 hours of operating schedule Allows library to remain open 6 days per week during school year Retains staff and services Allows library to remain eligible for state aid, certification and grants
Restores 5 hours to operating schedule Returns operating schedule to 2005 level May add Saturday hours to summer schedule Continues all services in Option 1 Override Option 3: