Overview: Chapter 5 identifies the elements necessary for proper nutrition and explains how students can make healthful food choices. Chapter 5-1: Food impacts life because it supplies nutrients the body needs to function properly. Food choices are linked to one’s physical needs, social and cultural background, and emotions.
Picture yourself biting into a crisp, juicy apple or a slice of pizza oozing with cheese and tomato sauce. Which picture appeals to you most? Not all foods supply nutrients in the same amounts. Making informed, healthful food choices is important to your health and to your health level. I. Why do you eat? - Food is the body’s chief source of nutrients. -Foods affect how you feel, act, grow, and function on a daily basis. -Eating habits are results of both physical need and psychological desire for food. II. Physical Need for food. -basic reason for eating is physical. -body tells the brain it needs food through hunger.
II. Physical Need For Food Cont: Life’s basic needs: Food, Air, Water How hunger works: -empty stomach: walls contract, stimulate nerve endings. -nerve endings signal brain that body’s food supply needs replenishing. - after eating, stomach walls stretch, nerve endings are no longer stimulated and you feel full.
III. The Minds Desire For Food -eating is a response to aroma, social eating, stress, boredom, etc. -this is a response to appetite not hunger. -appetite is a learned response. -hunger is an inborn response. -appetite is shaped by 2 factors: 1. environment 2. emotions
IV. Environment -Factors that influence your food choice: *cultural heritage *family *social relationships *media *your life style -Culture: *food choices reflect the culture you live in *ethnic background
Family and Friends -family and friends often influence food choices, likes, dislikes. -food is the focus of many family and social gatherings. *Advertizing: -shape food decisions. -listen to and judge advertising methods carefully. *Time and Money: -taste and nutrition are the most important factors in making food decisions.
Time and Money Cont: -cost, convenience and food safety come next. -Lifestyles today rely on foods that can be cooked and eaten quickly. -make health choices. *Emotions: -eating to relieve stress, tension, or boredom can lead to overeating. -losing your appetite because of emotions can rob the body of needed nutrients.
Your Eating Habits -choose foods low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. -best way to reduce major risk factors for chronic diseases: obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes. *Nutrition Throughout Your Life: -first years and adolescence are the fastest periods of growth in a persons life. -for growth and active living, the body need more energy from food & has higher nutritional needs than at any other time.