WELCOME Significance of this work Importance of impartial evaluation
OBJECTIVES May 3 rd I.Understand current assessment context and needs II.Determine which assessments will be evaluated III.Determine how to weight the features in the assessment evaluation IV.Begin evaluating the Common Core assessments against the criteria
OBJECTIVES May 10 th I.Finish evaluating the Common Core assessments against the criteria II.Determine best assessment III.Develop Common Core assessment recommendation
AGENDA Welcome and objectives 1:00-1:10 Discuss expectations1:10-1:20 Understand current assessment context and next assessment needs, options 1:20-2:00 Determine the weight for each feature2:00-2:25 Break2:25-2:35 Evaluate the Common Core assessments against the criteria 2:25-3:45 Break3:45-3:55 Evaluate the Common Core assessments against the criteria 3:55-4:55 Wrap up4:55-5:00
EXPECTATIONS: DISCUSSION Assumptions That you’ve read the fact sheets That you’re ready to engage in the discussion with an open mind Rules of Engagement Each member of the workgroup will have an opportunity to contribute to the comparison of assessments. Appropriate : Open mind to all options and discussion Not Appropriate: Predetermination about which assessment is right for Oregon
EXPECTATIONS: WORK GROUP WhoRole/TaskExpectations Work groupEvaluate Common Core assessment options. Make a recommendation to as to the assessment that will best meet the needs of our students, our schools, and our state. Critically evaluate each assessment option. Incorporate your professional and personal experiences with Oregon education into your evaluation.
EXPECTATIONS: WORK GROUP WhoRole/TaskExpectations Work groupEvaluate Common Core assessment options. Make a recommendation to as to the assessment that will best meet the needs of our students, our schools, and our state. Critically evaluate each assessment option. Incorporate your professional and personal experiences with Oregon education into your evaluation.
EXPECTATIONS: ODE WhoRole/TaskExpectations ODE Facilitate the work group and, as needed, collect additional assessment information that is already publicly available. Abstain from providing opinions about assessment preferences Follow up on requests from work group for additional information and obtain relevant information that is publicly available. Rob Saxton and Derek Brown, Facilitation Doug Kosty, Facilitation support Cristen McLean, Time keeper Steve Slater and Rachel Aazzerah, Assessment information support
CONTEXT: WORK GROUP TASK What: Reading, Writing, Mathematics state-wide assessment. Through school year school year and beyond Assessed standards Oregon state content standards Common Core AssessmentOAKS[This is your task]
CONTEXT: ASSESSMENT COSTS New assessment will cost more because the following factors, at least: New level of assessment authenticity – higher quality assessment Opportunity for comparability across states Opportunity for assessment system that includes more than just summative data
CONTEXT: ASSESSMENT COSTS But we will have access to other cost-saving measures, including: Ability to share resources with other states using same assessment system Ability to leverage broader base for expertise Economy of scale for alignment costs, including: Alignments of state to state comparability Alignment of assessment to college readiness and college placement
CONTEXT: ASSESSMENT OPTIONS Assessment DeveloperCost ACT (ASPIRE) “Competitively priced” NWEA (MAP) -- Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) 22 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Renaissance Learning (STAR) 3,200 one time cost for Reading and Math assessments. 860 annually College Board (SAT) 50
CONTEXT: REQUIREMENTS Aligned to Common Core State Standards Available in reading, writing, and mathematics Available at 3-8 and high school Online administration Comparable across multiple states Operational in academic year
CONTEXT: REQUIREMENTS See hand out: Requirement Table Which assessments should we evaluate? Assessment Developer Evaluate? ACT (ASPIRE) Yes NWEA (MAP) Yes Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Yes Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Yes Renaissance Learning (STAR) No College Board (SAT) No
CONTEXT: REACTIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS Please introduce yourself and say: Name Role and district or organization One challenge you anticipate in this transition One opportunity this transition presents
WEIGHTING: PROCESS (25 MIN) 1.Introduce features and criteria, including rationale (5 min) 2.Individually review features and criteria (10 min) 3.Discuss different weights for the features (5 min) 4.Each person anonymously votes on weight for each feature (5 min) ODE calculates mean weight for each feature (during break) Feature weighting finalized (after break)
WEIGHTING: INTRODUCE FEATURES See hand out: Feature Description As a group discuss structure of feature and criteria information. 5 minutes
WEIGHTING: INDIVIDUAL REVIEW See hand out: Feature Description Individually review each feature and criteria. 10 minutes
WEIGHTING: DISCUSSION See hand out: Feature Description Discuss how much should each feature be weighted? 5 minutes 1. Quality Assessment 2. Accommodations Available 3. Suite of Resources Available 4. Aligned with college and career 5. Oregon can contribute to content
WEIGHTING: VOTING See hand out: Feature Weight Vote Place your vote for how much should each feature be weighted? 5 minutes
WEIGHTING: FINAL WEIGHT FeatureFinal Percent 1. Quality Assessment Accommodations Available Suite of Resources Available Aligned with college and career 7 5. Oregon can contribute to content 10
EVALUATING: PROCESS (20 MIN EACH) 1.Each participants individually reviews fact sheet and write notes about which assessment best meets the criteria and why (10 min) 2.Participants discuss their selections (5 min) 3.Participants will take additional notes (5min) Schedule: Three criteria Break Three criteria Wrap up
EVALUATING: SCHEDULE Evaluate assessments against 2 criteria (including a longer one) Break Evaluate assessments against 4 criteria Wrap up
EVALUATING: 1.1 (FIRST ONE, 30 MIN) 1.Individually review Criteria 1.1 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 1. Assessment Quality (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (15 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
EVALUATING: 1.2 (NOW, 20 MIN) 1.Individually review Criteria 1.2 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 1. Assessment Quality (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (5 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
EVALUATING: Individually review Criteria 1.4 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 1. Assessment Quality (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (5 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
BREAK Please be back by 3:55.
EVALUATING: Individually review Criteria 1.4 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 1. Assessment Quality (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (5 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
EVALUATING: Individually review Criteria 2.1 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 2. Accommodations Available (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (5 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
EVALUATING: Individually review Criteria 2.2 Fact Sheet Take notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet: Feature 2. Accommodations Available (10 min) 2.Discuss selections and rationales (5 min) 3.Take additional notes on Assessment Evaluation Sheet (5 min)
WRAP UP Process 1.Please put all of your material in the envelope on your desk. 2.Seal the envelope and sign your name across the seal. 3.Leave the envelope on your desk. Thank you for your hard work today – see you on May 10 th.