COYBL Spring 2013 Coaches’ Meeting How to Use the COYBL Website
Logging onto the Website Go to Click on “Log In” in upper left-hand corner Enter Username and Password; hit “Log In” button This is the top of the screen after you have successfully logged in, showing your username and the edit/user mode button on the right
Editing Team Page on Website On the top bar, click on “COYBL Divisions” Along the left side, click on your age group (this will take you to the homepage for your age group) Scroll down, and click on your team’s name (this will take you to your team’s individual page)
This is what your screen should (generally) look like This is where you can start editing your team, by clicking on the “Edit Mode” toggle button
Once you have successfully entered edit mode, this is what your screen should look like At this point, you will have the ability to add your Roster, Game Schedule, and enter Statistics by using these buttons
Adding Your Roster From Edit Mode, click on the “Roster” button Your screen should look like this Click on the “Add Player” button
Clicking “Add Player” will take you to this screen Click on “Create New Player”
It will take you to this screen At this point, you will enter your players’ name, and jersey number (click “Save Player” when finished) In order for a player to be eligible to pitch, they must be listed as a pitcher on their profile
This is what your page will look like after you have added your players to the roster You should add all coaches in the same manner, using the “Coaches” button
Adding Your Game Schedule In Edit Mode, click on “Game Schedule” Then click on “Add Game”
This is where you will enter your game info Clicking on this box will give you a list of all the COYBL teams in your age group; select home/away, your opponent, complete the rest of the game info, then select “Create Game” at the bottom of the screen; Note “Standings Options”
When choosing Standing Options, use the following rules: – For division games select “Affects League and Division Standings” – For non-division games against COYBL teams select “Affects League Standings Only” – For tournaments or games with non-COYBL teams select either “Affects League Standings Only” or “Does Not Affect Standings” If you want the game to show on your team’s overall record select “Affects League Standings Only”
Adding Tournament/non-COYBL Team Games From the Add Game Screen, click on “Outside League” tab Fill in each subsequent drop down bar with appropriate information and select appropriate Standings Options, then click “Create Game”
Entering Player Statistics From Edit Mode, click on “Game Schedule” and then “Box Scores”
Scroll down and select the game you wish to enter stats for, by clicking on the “Scheduled” button
From this screen, you can pick either “Quick Score,” “Score Live,” or “Edit Stats” The only stats that are mandatory, are pitch counts for ALL DIVISION AND NON-DIVISION GAMES AGAINST ANY AND ALL COYBL TEAMS Clicking on “Edit Stats will allow you to enter any and all game stats you wish, including pitch counts
Once all stats have been entered, click “Save Stats” at the bottom of the screen
Adding Pitcher Eligibility Tracker to Team Homepage From your team homepage, click on “Add Layout Container” Select the template on the far left, name it (optional) and click “Create Layout Container” Then from your homepage, click “Add Page Element” within the Layout Container
Scroll down and select “Pitcher Eligibility Tracker” From “Select a Rule” you may choose the appropriate COYBL age group, select “Hide Rules” and click “Create this Page Element”
This is what your tracker should look like:
Adding Other Elements to Team Homepage You will need to add your HEAD COACH’S NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION, as well as a link with DIRECTIONS TO YOUR HOME FIELD to your front page You can also add other elements to your team’s homepage such as: pictures/slideshows, videos, and newsfeeds by following the same steps that you did with the Pitch Tracker