Church Finances Rectory
Cost of building our New Church ~$8,000,000 Balance due as of was $1,979,201 $2,200,000 Swap Loan Terms ◦ Balloon payment of $1,430,806 due ◦ Extremely high cost for earlier pay off Will need another Capital Campaign Drive Thank You Parishioners!!!! 75% Done % to go
Capital Campaign Contribution $4,814,982 ◦ Including pledges, fundraising, interest income, debt reduction income, sale of old rectory, sale of small items and other misc. income. Sale of Old Church $1,500,000 Paid off loans $500,000 We have come a long way!!!!!!!
Would require an advance payment of as much as $490,000 to get out of swap and would add more than $200,000 in total interest expense. Balloon payment of $1,430,806 on Refinance balance in 2018 if not paid off Too costly to refinance early
As of , we have $300,000 in the bank for the balloon payment We have 6 years and 6 months to raise $1,679,201. This would cover the entire amount due, including the balloon payment. $4, per week in Capital Campaign contributions would pay off our debt by $10 per week from 650 parish families will do it!
History 3 Options
Purchase of 35 acres with a house Establish a Catholic campus… Church, Rectory, School, etc. 2011 Rectory is deemed unlivable Three Options
Keep renting Build on church property Buy a house within parish boundary Cost effectiveness based on current financial status
No added debt Pressure on operating budget Rent monies gone – no equity Buys Time
Adds debt Eases up pressure on operating budget Own an asset Follows original vision of land purchase (remember-visions are dynamic) Needs long term vision on what to build Needs capital campaign Will take time and planning
Adds debt Eases up pressure on operating budget Own an asset Needs capital campaign ◦ Short one for down payment ◦ Church and Rectory treated as one debt Flexibility: could sell later and build when ready