Kick-Off Meeting Implementation, Certification, and Testing November 19, 2014
1 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Overview Workgroup Charge Workplans Next Steps Public Comment
Current Member list 2 NameOrganization Cris Ross, co-chairMayo Liz Johnson, co-chairTenet Healthcare Corporation Sarah CorleyNext Gen Udayan MandaviaiPatientCare Rick MooreNational Committee for Quality Assurance Andrey OstrovskyCare at Hand Danny RosenthalInova Health System John TravisCerner Corp. Steve WaldrenAmerican Academy of Family Physicians Zabrina GonzagaLantana Kyle MeadorsDrummond Group Inc. Brett Andriesen, staff leadOffice of the National Coordinator for Health IT
Content Standards Chair: Andy Wiesenthal Co-chair: Rich Elmore HITSC Workgroups and Chairs 3 Architecture, Services & APIs Chair: David McCallie Co-chair: Arien Malec Transport and Security Standards Chair: Dixie Baker Co-chair: Lisa Gallagher Semantic Standards Co-chair: Jamie Ferguson Co-chair: Becky Kush Health IT Standards Committee Chair: Jacob Reider Vice Chair: John Halamka Implementation, Certification &Testing Co-chair: Liz Johnson Co-chair: Cris Ross Steering Committee Chair: Jacob Reider Co-chair: John Halamka *Task Forces may be needed for specific work assignments
Member Responsibilities Thanks for volunteering to serve on the Implementation, Certification, and Testing! Our best work happens when we have full participation. Accordingly, ONC has set up some guidelines for your participation. Workgroup members are expected to be actively engaged in their workgroup – Membership of the workgroups will be reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure active participation – Members missing more than 5 meetings in a year will be removed from membership (unless extenuating circumstances) – Differing opinions are welcome and encouraged but should be done in a respectful manner – Participants should be prompt and do their best to minimize personal interruptions (e.g., mute phones) Meeting materials are due at least 24 hours in advance of meetings – Members are expected to review materials in advance and be actively engaged in the discussion with questions prepared in advance – When commenting be as concise as possible and use examples to explain your point of view 4
5 HIT Policy and HIT Standards Committees Information Flow
Workgroup Charge Review implementation challenges with existing standards and provide recommendations for how to improve existing standards and testing Recommend testing process that support the goals of interoperability and information exchange Evaluate sustainable and inclusive approaches to certification and test method development Identify the necessary health IT functions and standards that must be tested Recommend stages of maturity in a certification testing model 6
2014 Q42015 Q12015 Q22015 Q3 OctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep Upcoming FACA Milestones 7 Kick-off Federal Milestone Joint HITPC/HITSC Meeting Federal HIT Strategic Plan Posted for Comment Interoperability Roadmap Recs prior to posting for comment FACA HIT Strategic Plan Comments Interoperability Roadmap Posted for Comment HITPC comments on MU3 NPRM HITSC comments on Certification NPRM All workgroups kicked off FACA Milestone FACA Interoperability Roadmap Comments (estimate)
Workplans 8 TasksStart DateDue Date14- Nov 14- Dec 15- Jan 15- Feb 15- Mar 15- Apr 15- May 15- Jun 15- Jul 15- Aug 15- Sep Workgroup Kick-Off11/19/2014 Improving Testing Efficiency and Open Test Methods 11/19/20141/28/2015 Comment on Certification NPRM TBD - Q1 Alternative Testing Tools and Testing Simplification Recommendations 4/22/15 6/24/15 Interoperability Testing Recommendations 6/24/1509/22/15 Community Contribution in Test Methods TBD Q3 Current Testing Challenges and opportunities for Improvements TBD Q3
Detailed Workplans 9 MeetingsTask November, 19, Workgroup Kickoff Review charge, introduce member and review draft work plan December, 04, :00 ET Improving Testing Efficiency and Open Test Methods Review Open Test Method Recommendations Discuss the key challenges in conducting testing and recommendations to address challenges January, 06, :00 ET Review presentation of Certification NPRM overview and prepare to comment January, 15, :00 ET Discuss Certification NPRM Comments February 10, 2015 – HITSC Meeting Deliver Certification NPRM Comments to HITSC February, :00 ET Discuss how ONC can consider modifying community-driven process to enhance the value it delivers and provide recommendations. February, :00 ET Discuss testing criteria that could be used to address multiple testing requirements and provide recommendations. March 13, :00pm ET Review alternative testing tools and testing simplification recommendations
Improving Testing and Open Test Methods Recommendations What are the opportunities to improve testing? – What are the key challenges in conducting testing? What are options and recommendations to address those challenges? Presentation on Open Test Method pilot, involvement and results (December) In what ways/how can ONC scale the community-driven test procedure development process while factoring in the need for timely published test procedures post-final rule? Should ONC consider modifying its community-driven process to enhance the value it delivers? – What are the community needs that it currently does not address? – Should the community-driven process focus on tying certification criteria together for scenario/sequenced testing and finding ways to optimize testing? – What are the options and recommendations for meeting those needs? Are there testing criteria that could be used to address multiple testing requirements? (Framework/characteristics based on 2014 Edition criteria) 10
Alternative Testing Tools and Testing Simplification Recommendations In what ways is it advisable for testing to include reference to usage of proprietary tools if the ATL would have to pay for or license the tool? – Or is the test tool responsibility something that should remain solely a government funded process? What is a practical approach and balance regarding product capabilities designed just for testing purposes? – This refers to features that make testing more efficient but generally may not have any use beyond testing (e.g., the ability to batch import a set of test patients compared to hand entering them) 11
Interoperability Testing Recommendations How could ONC, or third parties, develop testing tools that show products are interoperable? What criteria are necessary to determine if a test is successful? 12