AIE PCC on Thursday 27 November 2014, Brussels
1. Welcome and approval of the draft agenda – Allan Littler 2. Approval of the minutes of
3. Outcome of the CoD 2014 AIE draft position on the Communication from the Commission on the Evaluation of national regulations on access to professions AIE contribution system: discussion on possible solutions
Proposals of review of AIE’s contribution system -Review of the formula? -Adapt the existing contribution system to ? -Possible new calculation method Conclusion GSC: - General agreement not to reduce the budget but rather to increase it ( ~ COD) …. Italy?? - Existing formula is working quite well, don’t go into endless discussions - PCC to consider the special case of Luxemburg - No special regime for Spain and Portugal –
4. Brussels news and report 4.1 -Outcome of the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Package 4.2 -Primary energy conversion factor: state-of play 4.3 -Stakeholders meeting on the Eco-design study on power cables 4.4 -Short report on last technical task force meeting and energy task force
4.1 -Outcome of the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Package Climate package by Head of States on 23 October: –reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, –increase energy efficiency and renewables by at least 27% –the efficiency and renewables targets were however watered down compared to 27% across the EU. The EE target is indicative which means is not legally binding at the national level or EU level. The AIE had called for a binding Energy Efficiency Target because: - AIE advocated an overall framework of the EU energy market but the effective and concrete measures/ actions should be decided and carried out at national level with a sector-specific approach.
The Council conclusions indicate that the Commission will propose ‘priority sectors in which significant energy efficiency gains can be reaped and ways to address them’. Buildings = 40% of all energy consumed in the EU = therefore feature as the top priority sector to be addressed in upcoming legislation revision (EED and EPBD).
Reminder of AIE’s proposed policy measures to foster energy efficiency in buildings: - The use of the primary energy factor should be reviewed as it distorts the end-user choices regarding his energy consumption - Enhance the role of ICT in buildings and the important role of automation should be recognized in the energy efficiency in buildings. - Locally produced renewable electrical energy should not be forgotten as a part of the whole solution - In order to reach the 3% renovation target, a major renovation program could put Member States on the right track to reduce the energy demand of the building stock in the EU by 80% by 2050.
6.2 -Primary energy conversion factor: state-of play Issue is now definitely on the table of priorities of the Commission, DG Energy, Energy Efficiency Meeting organised by the EC on « the primary energy factor » on 8 (11) December: should a review of PEF be undertaken? Conf call on 4 December organised by AIE with other 8 stakeholders prior to the meeting –Is there a necessity of using a PEF? –If conitnued to be used, with a single European value, what should be the basis of the value and check whether 2,5 is appropriate –Should PEF be time-variable according to the electricity production?
6.3 Stakeholders meeting on the Eco-design study on power cables Scope of the study: “losses in installed power cables in electric circuits in buildings after the meter” The conclusion of the meeting was: –The consultant has to review the policy options –We can give input and recommendations for policy options and what tools are needed for implementation –We can still introduce additional comments and an AIE position until the 20 th of December!! –The completion of the study is scheduled by February 2015 and they respect the deadlines…. The AIE technical experts have been consulted and asked for input and contribution.
6.4 -Short report on last technical task force meeting and energy task force Technical Task Force met on in Oslo hosted by NELFO –‘My Home’: digital technical documentation platform, Boligmappa –FEBDOK (electrical design software) developed by Nelfo and implementation in other countries –Presentation of the Zhaga consortium and the interchangeability (interface) of LED light sources –LiFi = Wifi through lamps –Proposal of manufacturers for new sign under the LVD (discussed in Germany?)
-Primary energy conversion factor for electricity -Report on activities related to ‘Ecodesign Directive: Study on power cables’ -Professional Qualification: Evaluating national regulations on access to professions -Latest updates on standardisation activities within IEC & CLC -Next meeting on 4-5 June in Scotland
Energy Task force –New chairman: Alexis Cintrat –Suggests a meeting begin 2015 to discuss the following topics for monitoring and action: PEF: on-going actions Climate and Energy Package: implementation of the objectives and action plans Financing building renovation: can we propose concrete measures with other stakeholders? Smart grids: state-of-play Follow up the review of eco-design and labelling directive
Proposals of next dates: - 12 February May September November 2015
5. Any other business –Review of the AIE matrix of contacts –Feedback on the letters to Greece and Spain regarding the contribution –CEETB latest state-of-play and decisions to be made –President proposal regarding the website and AIE library