Population of N. Europe beginning to recover Cities growing Urban merchants become wealthy & sponsor artists
Everyone used to be VERY religious, but too many were suffering and dying! Started to pull away from the church Looking to SECULAR (worldly) ideals of the here and now vs. life after death Begin studying HUMANISM: study of human potential & achievement
Explosion of creativity in Europe Renaissance or “rebirth” of art & learning Began in Italy & spread north to Europe because: Thriving cities Wealthy merchants Greek & Roman heritage Trade started by Crusades
Wealthiest/powerful class & dominated politics Wealth based on success of their business Felt they deserved power based on achievements Florence, Italy ruled by MEDICI family (trade/banking merchants) for 30 years Lorenzo the Magnificent: major PATRON (supporter) of the arts
Renaissance is bringing back classical art & literature from Greek & Roman times In Italy, now painting/sculpting SECULAR arts, NOT RELIGIOUS arts more realistic people in classical settings
3 Dimensional Distant objects are smaller
Helps objects to look more realistic; 3-D look VS
Study of human anatomy to paint and sculpt better More natural postures and expressions
DONATELLO: sculptor and painter; Revealed personality in his art One of the first to do a nude statue First bronze statue of St. Louis of Toulouse
LEONARDO DA VINCI: painter, sculptor, inventor, & scientist a true “Renaissance Man” Mona Lisa The Last Supper
MICHELANGELO: sculptor and painter Sistine Chapel Statue of David
RAPHAEL studied from Michelangelo and Leonardo; painter Madonna and Child School of Athens
ERASMUS: The Praise of Folly – said to improve society, all should study Bible MORE: Utopia – imaginary land inhabited by peaceful people; no use for money
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Greatest playwright of all time: sonnets, plays, essays Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Othello Macbeth Midsummer Night’s Dream Julius Caesar King Lear
JOHANN GUTENBERG: reinvents moveable type & comes up with printing press Gutenberg Bible: first full size book printed Came in English, French, and German VERNACULAR (own language) increased Can produce hundreds of copies Encouraged people to learn to read! RISE IN LITERACY & IDEAS SPREAD FASTER