Part 1: Android Gateway In this part of the manual, we will learn about the Android Gateway: This includes: How to maintain your Android Gateway See if your Android is working Understanding possible Android s Checking message history 1
Keep Android plugged into electricity: Make sure that your Android is always connected to a an electrical power source. If the electricity goes out, the phone’s battery will allow Telerivet to continue to run until the electricity comes back. Keep Android stationary and secure: In order to maximize the reliability of the Android, we recommend keeping the Android phone stationary. An office is an ideal location. Make sure Android has credit to send messages: This is important. Make sure to frequently check that your Android has credit from your telephone provider to send messages. If it does not have credit, you will not be able to send messages or use data. Set up Internet with both Wifi and Mobile Data : The Android has been set up so that it can connect to your office’s Wifi. It is also recommended to set up a mobile data plan as backup for when the Wifi does not work. If the Wifi is not working, your phone can then switch automatically to the mobile data network. Maintaining the Android gateway 2 In order to ensure that your Android Gateway is functioning, it must meet the following four requirements:
Testing the Android’s connection 3 In order to test if the Android is working properly, you can check the Telerivet mobile application. This is located on the Android’s home screen. The blue message means that the Android is connected to a network. The brown message indicates that there is no connection. Please check to see if you can esablish a connection.
Android alert s 4 You will receive s about the Android’s connection and power level. They will be from the sender “Telerivet.” The different types of s you may include the following subject lines: Alert – Battery Low: This indicates that the Android is unplugged and the battery is low. If you receive this, make sure to replug the Android into the wall to ensure that it is powered. Alert- Connection Inactive: This means that the Android connection has been disrupted. This could be due to the fact that the Wifi or mobile data is not working or the phone was turned off. If this occurs, SMS messages will not be submitted until the connection is restored. If you receive this message, try to restore the connection. Recovery – Connection Active: This means that the connection to the Android Gateway has been restored. Good job! Alert-Error Processing Incoming SMS: If you receive this message, it means that an incoming SMS was unable to go through the Android gateway. This is often fixed automatically. You can check the phone number of the message in this and then check to see if it went through in the phone’s SMS message inbox. Examples of possible Android alert s
View incoming and outgoing messages on the Android or on Telerivet’s website 5 You may also want to use your Android to see all of the messages that your users have sent and received. You can do this by clicking your SMS inbox on your phone, or logging onto Telerivet’s website. 5