Roman Empire
The Roman Empire grew out of the Roman Republic
The empire begins in 27 BC when Augustus was named the first emperor of Rome.
Pax Romana Began with Augustus and lasted for 200 years Means Roman Peace Roman rule brought peace, order, unity and prosperity to all of the empire.
1. Stable Government A. Senate: members were elected from the elite. They made laws and acted as judges.
However, they had little power compared to the Emperor.
B. Civil Service: Enforced laws in local areas Allowed the government to be more efficient
2. Economic Prosperity A. Augustus made economic reforms which included a census to more accurately record taxes.
B. Augustus created new coins to make trade easier
C. He also put the unemployed to work by building new roads, temples or farm the land.
D. The government also provided free grain to the poor.
Trade from Africa, Asia and other parts of Europe helped to make the Roman Empire wealthy.
3. Entertainment A. Gladiator contests All members of society attended these events. Helped to keep the citys restless mobs content.
B. The overall prosperity of people and their contentment with the empire hid the underlying social and economic problems that were growing.