Agricultural Marketing In India Kamal Singh Lecturer in Economics GCCBA 42, Chandigarh 10/12/20151Agricultural Marketing
The National Commission on Agriculture defined agricultural marketing as a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm commodity and it involves all aspects of market structure of system, both functional and institutional, based on technical and economic considerations and includes pre and post- harvest operations, assembling, grading, storage, transportation and distribution. The Indian council of Agricultural Research defined involvement of three important functions, namely (a) assembling (concentration) (b) preparation for consumption (processing) and (c) distribution. 10/12/20152Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural marketing can be defined as the commercial functions involved in transferring agricultural products consisting of farm, horticultural and other allied products from producer to consumer. Agricultural marketing also reflect another dimension from supply of produce from rural to rural and rural to urban and from rural to industrial consumers. 10/12/20153Agricultural Marketing
Need The Ensure proper availability of consumer products To ensure proper price spread Ensure adequate marketable surplus 10/12/20154Agricultural Marketing
Prerequisite of efficient agricultural marketing Storage facility Capacity to hoard Transportation facility Adequate information Less intermediaries Regulated markets Good quality of produce 10/12/20155Agricultural Marketing
Present system of Marketing Primary market Secondary market like mandi’s Fairs Regulated markets Cooperative and state trading 10/12/20156Agricultural Marketing
Problems Inadequate transportation facilities Malpractices in Mandis Lack of credit Lack of market Information Unregulated weights and measures Lack of standardization and grading 10/12/20157Agricultural Marketing
Excessive market charges Lack of storage facility Adulteration Unfavorable condition 10/12/20158Agricultural Marketing
Govt. Measure Organization of regulated markets Grading and standardization: Agri product (produce and marketing act) 1937 and standard weight act Godowns and Storage The model act for state agricultural produce marketing 10/12/20159Agricultural Marketing
E-chaupal Cooperative marketing : NAFED( national agricultural cooperative marketing federation set up in Price support : MSP for 24 crops Provide loans to the farmer at low rate of interest so that they will be freed from the clutches of local moneylenders who squeeze them. It is said that farmer in born into debt, lives in debt and dies in debt. It is essential to provide subsidized power supply and loans to the farmers as the expenses towards power consumption takes considerable amount of investments. 10/12/201510Agricultural Marketing
Creating local outlets at each village where the farmers sell their stocks directly to the consumers or the authorized buyers at fixed prices would help to a great extent. Intervention of government in this network is essential to bring the fruits to the farmers. 10/12/201511Agricultural Marketing
Budget and Economic survey Process to create new storage facility / capacity of 150 lakh metric tones Decision to create 20 lakh metric tones of storage capacity under Public entrepreneur Guarantee 10/12/201512Agricultural Marketing
Reforms in APMC act 2010 Setting up of terminals markets complexes for fruits, vegetables and other perishable goods at important urban centre 10/12/201513Agricultural Marketing
THANKS 10/12/201514Agricultural Marketing