CountrySTAT REGIONAL BASIC ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING for ECO MEMBER STATES Ankara, Turkey, October 2013 CountrySTAT STATISTICS COMPONENT (Concepts, Definitions, Classification, Data Harmonization) CountrySTAT Team FAO, Statistics Division Rome-Italy
CountrySTAT and Global Strategy to Improve Rural and Agricultural Statistics Objectives of the Statistical Component Data Quality Process Core and Sub-National Modules Statistical Specific Characteristics in the Data Quality Assessment Panorama Reports CountrySTAT Statistical Reference Documents OVERVIEW
The Global Strategy supports developing countries to produce timely and accurate agriculture and rural statistics by improving statistical systems, methods, tools and staff skills CountrySTAT is aligned with the principles of the Global Strategy to Improve Agriculture and Rural Statistics. The Global Strategy is based on 3 pillars: Establishment of a minimum set of core data that countries will collect to meet current and emerging demands (Economic, Social, Environmental and Geographic Location data) The integration of agriculture into national statistical systems in order to satisfy the demands of policy makers and other users who rely on comparable data across locations and over time Governance and statistical capacity development which will provide the foundation for sustainability of the agricultural statistics systems CountrySTAT AND GLOBAL STRATEGY TO IMPROVE RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS
Centralization and integration of data coming from various sources Promote the use of the international standards (Concepts, Definitions, Classifications) and Metadata Data harmonization according to FAO standards Support countries to create tables, improve the structure of data tables, data quality, and to make data available for key indicators Assist countries in the estimation of missing data improve statistical skills of staff in countries OBJECTIVES OF THE STATISTICAL COMPONENT
Core Module using the standard data structure allows to compare data at regional and international level for the 14 Domains (Production, Trade, Population, Food Availability, Labor, Land Use and Irrigation, Machinery, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Prices, Forestry, Fisheries, Water and Value Added) and the Core Standard Indicators. Sub-National Module includes the same categories (domains and indicators) described in the Core Module (with disaggregated data at sub national level according to the national classification). Correspondence table allows to ensure linkage and coherence between the national classification at sub-national level and the international classification at national core level. Data from Core Module allows to support the elaboration of the Food Balance Sheets (FBS) and analytical indicators to get Food Security Statistics. CORE AND SUB-NATIONAL MODULES
The statistical specific characteristics in the data quality assessment that refer the CountrySTAT Team are as follows: Relevance and completeness Accuracy Comparability Coherence Timeliness and punctuality Accessibility and clarity STATISTICAL SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS IN THE DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT
Relevance : Refers to the ability of data to meet current and potential user needs at national, regional and international levels. Accuracy: The analysis of data and metadata accuracy are carried out during the Technical Working Groups Meetings. Comparability : The adaptation of the national classification to the classification of commodities, concepts and definitions of the FAO ensures regional and international comparability of statistical data. STATISTICAL SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS IN THE DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT
Coherence: Refers to the ability of data to meet current and potential user needs at national, regional and international levels. STATISTICAL SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS IN THE DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT
Timeliness and punctuality: refer to the time-lag between data collection and dissemination. Accessibility and clarity : require an organization of data structure to have easy access to the data and metadata. STATISTICAL SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS IN THE DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT
Periodical Panorama Reports” are written by each country to understand the current situation of national statistics systems. The Panorama Reports provide an overview of the institutional, legal, technical and operative aspects of national food and agriculture statistics. PANORAMA REPORTS I & II
Statistical Reference ManualStatistical Reference Manual CountrySTAT Concepts, Definitions and ClassificationCountrySTAT Concepts, Definitions and Classification International ClassificationsInternational Classifications CountrySTAT e-learning courseCountrySTAT e-learning course CountrySTAT STATISTICAL REFERENCE DOCUMENTS
12/10/2015 Statistics Division, FAO Rome-Italy THANK YOU