Revision Questions on Believing in God Work your way through the questions planning what you would write Check your answer against a suggested answer Mrs Strange
Style of questions Part a: a meaning or key word to explain (2 marks) Part b: knowledge questions needing a paragraph answer outlining or describing an issue (6 marks) Part c: Understanding questions where you explain. Explain ‘why’: use the word because and give reasons Explain ‘how’ connect at least 2 ideas (8 marks) Part d: evaluation statements where you give supported opinions and aim for a balanced answer. You need to know the Christian and Muslim viewpoint.
Question 1 a)What is atheism? (2 marks) b) Outline a non-religious (scientific) explanation for the existence of the world (6 marks) c)Explain how a religious upbringing can lead to, or support, belief in God. (8 marks) d)‘The fact that there is so much religion in the world proves that God exists.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered another point of view. (4 marks)
Now answer part a What is atheism? (2 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part b Outline a non-religious (scientific) explanation for the existence of the world(6 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part c Explain how a religious upbringing can lead to, or support, belief in God. (8 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part d ‘The fact that there is so much religion in the world proves that God exists.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered another point of view. (4 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Answer to a Believing that God does not exist Or Not believing in God Partially correct answer: No God or not believing in religion Click here to return to question b
Answer to b The main features are likely to be: About 15 billion years ago the matter of the universe became so compressed that it produced a huge explosion (the Big Bang) As the matter of the universe flew away from the explosion, stars and the solar system ws formed The combination of gases on the earth’s surface produced primitive life forms The process of evolution led to the development of animals and humans Click here to go to question C
Answer to C The main reasons from a Christian upbringing are: Christian parents teach their children to pray, praying to God will make children believe he exists Christian parents take their children to church where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does Christian parents will send their children to Sunday school where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does Many Christian parents send their children to a church school where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does Christian parents encourage their children to be confirmed where they may feel the presence of God in the prayers, vows or anointing. Click here to go to question d
Answer to d Reasons for supporting this statement could be: Over 80% of the world’s population believes in god, so many people can’t be wrong Lots of intelligent people believe in God and they can’t be wrong. Reasons for not supporting this statement could be: Most people used to believe the earth was flat and they were wrong A lot of people believing in something does not prove anything
End of Question 1 now Click here to go to Question 2 Click here to go back to the start of the Power Point
Question 2 a)What is meant by design? (2 marks) b)Describe, with examples, what is meant by unanswered prayers. (6 marks) c)Choose one religion and explain how its followers respond to the problem of evil and suffering. (8 marks) d)“God is the only possible cause for the existence of the universe.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing you have considered another point of view. (4 marks)
Now answer part a What is meant by design? (2 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part b Describe, with examples, what is meant by unanswered prayers.(6 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part c Choose one religion and explain how its followers respond to the problem of evil and suffering.(8 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Now answer part d. “God is the only possible cause for the existence of the universe.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing you have considered another point of view. (4 marks) When you are ready click below to see an answer. Mark your answer – what did you score?
Answer to a When things are connected and seem to have a purpose (e.g the eye is designed for seeing) When things work according to a plan Or any other form of the design argument Click here to return to question 2 b
Answer to b Click here to return to question 2c An unanswered prayer is when a person prays to God requesting something, but the request never happens and so they believe that God has not answered their prayer. Candidate should give an example. Simple definition gives 2 marks Definitions with an example gives 4 marks Simple definition with two examples gives 6 marks
Answer to c The main Christian responses are: All Christians believe evil and suffering is against God’s will and that God wants them to help those who suffer All Christians do this by trying to help those who suffer in practical ways. Many become doctors, nurses, social workers etc as an answer to evil and suffering. Many pray for those who suffer (intercessionary prayer) Some think God gave humans free will and humans have used their free will to do evil things so bringing suffering into the world so evil is not the fault of God but humans. Other Christians believe that life is a sort of test in which people prepare their souls for heaven. If there was no evil and suffering then Christians would not be able to develop as good people. Many Christians believe God has a reason for allowing evil and suffering but people cannot understand it. Evil is the fault of Satan. Click here if you want to go to question 2d
Answer to d Reasons for supporting this statement: A form of the design argument A form of the cosmological argument Reasons for not supporting this statement could be: The Big Bang Evolutionary theory
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