Grouping Satellite School of Leaders May 9, 2015 at Queen of the Universe in Huntsville, AL at Prince of Peace in Hoover, AL 1 Diocese Of Birmingham Alabama.


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Presentation transcript:

Grouping Satellite School of Leaders May 9, 2015 at Queen of the Universe in Huntsville, AL at Prince of Peace in Hoover, AL 1 Diocese Of Birmingham Alabama

SOL Agenda †Bible Enthronement †Leader’s Prayer †Leader’s Group Reunion †Doctrinal Talk: † in Huntsville – Deacon Paul Keil – “I am the Vine, You are the Branches” in Hoover – Deacon Tim Vaughn – “The Ascension of Our Lord” †Technique Talk: - Christian Leadership in Huntsville – Sally Smith in Hoover – Bill Dresher †Work of the Sections: Breakout Session †Announcements †Closing Prayer and Bible Dethronement †Chapel Visit (optional, but encouraged) 2

Leader’s Prayer †Lord grant that we may understand the necessity for depth in our Movement, rather than surface glory. Convince us of the truth that colorful programs do not constitute success. †My God, give us a spirit of self sacrifice so that we may offer everything for Your cause: our time, our abilities, our health and even our lives if necessary. Instill in us courage in our initiatives, good judgment in our choice of the right means, and that determination, which in spite of failures, assures victory. †Move away from us the tiny rivalries, sensitivities, discourtesies, pride, everything which distracts from You, everything which divides or discourages. 3

Leader’s Prayer con’t †Help us to maintain at a high level, a meaningful supernatural and mutual charity among ourselves, so that each one will seek by preference, the most humble task and will rejoice at the good performed by others, so that all our spirits, united in a common purpose, will have one single spirit, Yours Jesus, and that this spirit may let us see Your attractive goodness marked in all our faces, Your warm accents in all our words, and in our lives something superior to the world, something that proclaims Your Living Presence among us. Amen †Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patron of the Americas, Pray for Us. †St. Paul, Patron of the Cursillo, Pray for Us. 4

Leaders’ Group Reunion 5 Count off for Grouping and discuss… - Share your efforts of apostolic action during this Alleluia Season. - Share a “Closest Moment”

Doctrinal Talk 6 Presenter: in Huntsville – Deacon Paul Keil “I am the Vine, You are the Branches” in Homewood – Deacon Tim Vaughn The Ascension of Our Lord

Techniques Talk 7 Presenter: in Huntsville – Sally Smith, Secretariat School of Leaders Chair in Hoover – Bill Dresher, Secretariat Treasurer

Christian Leadership – Part 1 † Source: Presented by Omar Baez at the National Cursillo Encounter held at Chapman University in Orange, CA - August 2, † To be a Christian leader is a call from God that He makes from baptism. †We must be aware that the call is in the first person. The call is for those who are willing to give 100% of their gifts and talents to carry out the entrusted mission. †The affirmative response to this call seals a commitment to remain always in pursuit of making all of mankind live according to Christian principles. † 8

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †It is a commitment to be an example of what we preach. In Christian talk, “the call to leadership is a call to put oneself at the service of everyone else.” † At the civil level, a leader is one who GIVES ORDERS. †At the spiritual level, a Leader is one who SERVES MORE. † And serves with humility and promptness without expecting a reward, praise, or some type of recognition. † 9

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †In order to be able to discern on this call we must have hope, dedication and charity. †But above all: We must have Tons of HUMILITY. †The humility of the leader attracts people, allows a more natural approach in the Precursillo. Humility invites you to an open and sincere friendship where respect and compassion flourishes. 10

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †Every call from God begins with our own conversion. To accept the call is to commit to work hard for the Kingdom. † †A Christian leader is the one who is always united to the criterion of Christ and strengthens it through prayer and sacrifices. 11

Christian Leadership – Part 1 † Pope Pius X defined exactly how leaders should be: †“They must be sound Catholics, firm in their faith, well instructed in religious matters, in full agreement with the Church and especially to the Apostolic See and the Vicar of Jesus Christ. †They must be men (women) of genuine piety, virtuous, and a life so flawless so they may be effective in their example to others.” 12

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †This month we will talk about the natural qualities that a leader must possess and next month we will talk about the supernatural qualities. †First, today´s leaders must have: Discipline †DISCIPLINE, that is, to accept the will of God in all its manifestations. The true follower of Christ understands what God wants of him and will set out to do it, using the freedom we have in an effectively manner. 13

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †Sometimes this call will bring us the tears and suffering of the cross, but other times it will bring us the joy and happiness of the resurrection. †Today´s leaders must have: Friendship †FRIENDSHIP, a true Christian is joyful and his joy is contagious because he lives in the Grace of God, which is the source of joy. We have to include this friendship in all phases of our life but especially in the Precursillo, 3-Day Cursillo and Postcursillo. †A sad saint is an unhappy saint. 14

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †Today´s leaders must have: Initiative †INITIATIVE, that is, to have initiative is to avoid waiting for others to make the decisions. This is like a football game where you have to make decisions on the spot in order to win the game. †It is about reaching out to our brothers and sisters who still do not know that Christ loves them. And this is not the responsibility of the Secretariat, the Clergy, or the Precursillo Chair... it is my responsibility! 15

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †Today´s leaders must have: Generosity †GENEROSITY, does not mean that we give or not give, a lot or little, but that we give what we have, give ourselves as we really are and that which we can become. †It is not about generosities, such as small favors for friends or neighbors, or to give money to someone who asks for alms on the streets. †Generosity is to freely and fully give oneself to Christ without measures. 16

Christian Leadership – Part 1 †One must take seriously into account this conversion table: † The Lord gives one hundred fold to whoever surrenders completely. † He does not give fifty percent to someone who only surrenders halfway. †In summary: In order to succeed in the apostolic field, it is essential for man to put his personality and qualities at the service of the Lord. 17

Christian Leadership – Part 1 Next month is the Supernatural Qualities Comments? Questions? Take a Stretch Break ……. 18

Work of the Sections – 15 minutes †“Work of the Sections” is the part of the SoL meeting when we break into groups to discuss, identify, design, and help implement solutions to any issues within the three Cursillo sections--PreCursillo, Cursillo and PostCursillo † The breakout groups are facilitated under the leadership and guidance of the current Secretariat member for the Section (Rosalie Geoffroy –Pre-Cursillo, TBD – Cursillo, Christina Semmens –Post Cursillo) †YOU decide to which group you want to brainstorm †Palanca committee members work with Precursillo section, Communications committee members work with PostCursillo, †DO YOU WANT TO JOIN A COMMITTEE? 19

SoL 2015 Schedule 20 DateSoL Meeting LocationComment Jan. 10Combined in Cullman at Sacred HeartQuarter 1 Feb.14 and March 14 Feb. Satellite – Madison and Montevallo March Satellite – Holy Spirit in Huntsville and Our Lady of Sorrows in Homewood Apr. 11Combined SOL at Sacred Heart in CullmanQuarter 2 May 9Satellite – Queen of the Universe for Huntsville Prince of Peace Church in Hoover June 13Combined SOL at Sacred Heart in CullmanQuarter 3 July 11Combined SOL at Sacred Heart in Cullman Aug. 8Satellite – Location TBD for Huntsville and Location is Tuscaloosa Sept. 12Satellite – Locations TBD

Announcements †1. Women’s Cursillo Weekend # 132 moved to August 20-23, 2015 Sponsor a candidate – Do palanca (prayers and sacrifices) †2. Men’s Cursillo Weekend date is Nov – need 16 candidates minimum – Sponsor a candidate and pray for potential candidates †3. Annual Grand Ultreya at Shrine of Blessed Sacrament – Hanceville June 27 †4. Cursillo de Cursillo (CDC) Workshop in Mobile, AL – The Archdiocese of MOBILE Cursillo is hosting - May weekend 21 Go to for details

Announcements †4. Cursillo de Cursillo (CDC) Workshop in Mobile,AL – The Archdiocese of MOBILE Cursillo is hosting - May weekend †5. A pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis' visit in Philadelphia from September 20-27th is being organized now. Anyone interested is welcome to participate, but must reserve a spot. - Cost per adult for the week is $1400 per person and includes round trip transportation, hotel accommodations, and conference fee. $100 refundable deposit due now, other monies not due until May and July. - A more detailed information flyer and registration form is available on the Cursillo website under Postcursillo, on the "Your 4th Day Connection". – - Contact Christina Semmens phone , 22 Go to for details

Closing Prayer †Dear Lord, we must have fraternal charity, or we can accomplish nothing for you. †In loving you, help us to have a genuine concern for one another, a generosity in sharing one another’s burdens, a gallantry in defending the reputation of our group, a sincere sympathy in sharing one another’s suffering and sorrows, and a joy in sharing their spiritual growth. †By this shall all men know that we are your Apostles. Amen. †Perform Bible Dethronement. 23