8-13 January 2012, Bangkok, Thailand Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz Republic
Geographically Kyrgyzstan is located in the limits of the Tien-Shan orogen, the modern tectonic activity of which defines a high seismicity of this territory. Very strong earthquakes with magnitude up to 8 and a lot of weaker events occur here. In average we process about three thousand earthquakes per year. That is why a seismic monitoring was and remains one of the most actual problems for our republic.
The instrumental seismic observations in Kyrgyzstan have begun since 1927 on the base of analogue stations that essentially influenced on the network efficiency. In October, 1990 the first digital broad-band seismic station AAK10 has been installed on the Kyrgyz territory as observation point of Global Seismographic Network IRIS/IDA. This seismic station is included into IMS CTBTO as a 3C auxiliary station AS060. Since 1991 the telemetry network KNET consisting of 10 stations, equipped with broad-band high-sensitive devices has begun its operation here. In 2007, within the frame of the CTBT cooperation the Seismological Service of the Norway, NORSAR, provided the Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology with ten digital broad-band stations, most of which have been installed in the south of Kyrgyzstan characterized by the high level of seismic activity. In 2009 the new seismic network has been registered in FDSN as KRNET (Kyrgyz Republic Digital Network). At present it consists of 15 broad-band stations proportionately located on all territory of Kyrgyzstan. Developmental stages of Kyrgyz System of Seismic Monitoring
Secondary Broadband Sensor Streckeisen STS-2 Digitizer Quanterra Q330HR (High Resolution), 26 bit, 6 channel KNET equipment AAK (IRIS/IDA) station (tunnel)
KRNET equipment The DM24 digitizer SEISMOMETER CMG-3ESP
- KNET stations - KRNET stations (IS NAS KR) - Analogue station (IS NAS KR)
#NameCodeCoordinatesHeight (m) LatitudeLongitude 1.AnanievoANVS AralARLS ArkitARK ArslanbobARSB BatkenBTK BishkekFRU BoomBOOM Kadji-SayKDJ KarakolPRZ KaramykDRK ManasMNAS NarynNRN OshOHH Suphi-KorgonSFK ToktogulTOKL KRNET stations list
One of the major components of any digital network function is an on-line data transmission. Now the Kyrgyz Institute of seismology under IRIS support conducts such work at the KRNET stations on the basis of GPRS-Internet for data transmission from stations to the Kyrgyz National Data Center (NDC- KG), and further to FDSN through high-speed internet. At present the real time data of six KRNET stations in free access can be found in IRIS web-site. Plan of data transmission from KRNET stations
KRNET has allowed: Together with the KNET stations located in the north and northwest of Kyrgyzstan provides a good coverage of Kyrgyz territory. Significantly improve the accuracy of seismic event locations in the region. Owing to carefully conducted site surveys with respect to geology and seismic noise characteristics, all new sites are highly sensitive both to local and regional events. Use the KRNET data for nuclear tests monitoring due to their location on regional distances according to Central Asia nuclear Test Sites. Spectral density of seismic noise (night time) for KRNET stations.
Data exchange is conducted with the following Organizations: - Raw data in real time are transferred to IRIS (USA), IDC CTBTO (Austria). - Seismic bulletins – SS RAS (Russia) - Final bulletins – ISC (England). - Urgent reports - Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan. - Raw data in real time - GFZ (Germany). - SEED-volumes –IRIS/DMC. - KRNET data are transferred to NORSAR (Norway) under corresponding requests. Kyrgyz National Data Center conducts active data exchange with many scientific Organizations of Kyrgyzstan and the whole world. Number of KRNET Network Data Requests from IRIS DMC Total Gigabytes Real time, DHI, webservice and Archieve
CONCLUSIONS Thus the new network of seismic stations KRNET not only significantly improved a function of the National System of Seismic Monitoring but also opens a new possibilities for close regional and international cooperation. So, the data from new observational network can be used both in the fundamental and applied scientific researches such as: Seismic hazard assessment that gives an opportunity for more adequate and operative reaction to the occurred seismic catastrophes. Study the source zones of the strongest earthquakes. Estimation of the Tien-Shan modern geodynamics. Influence of the human’s engineering activity on a region seismic mode. Monitoring of different types of explosions.