Pennsylvania Title I Neglected and Delinquent Data Collection System Web Address: For questions or troubleshooting, please contact Tammy Soltis Northwest Tri-County IU # Waterford Street Edinboro, PA
DEMOGRAPHIC PAGE Allows entry of relevant student demographic information Ability to disaggregate by race/ethnicity, gender, age, grade level (disability status to be added for 05-06
Data Collection Overview Easily accessible, internet-based comprehensive reporting system Demographic and Educational-related information reporting Management and program evaluation capabilities Serving 292 institutions and 75 Local Education Agencies reporting on 18,000+ students annually Provides information that satisfies state and federal performance reporting requirements
Edit Profile Screen Student profiles added and all services received with Title I, Part D (delinquent) and Title I, Part A (Neglected) funds are recorded Ability to disaggregate data by services received, gains made, etc.
Student Information Screen Individual student information screens with agency and LEA locator data Capability to review student information in year by year basis for student tracking purposes LEA approval required for student information submitted by agencies and institutions serving N&D students