Question ? How to improve the relationship between government and the performing arts all kinds of government: state, region, city all kinds of performing arts: opera, theater, rock, comedy lessons from other countries (best practices) a European agenda ?
What did we do to find answers? deskresearch: Hans van Maanen 2001 a call for papers: national reports –Trends –Best practices (what are you proud of) –Problems that have to be faced 15 national reports Utrecht conference june 2007
4 central themes of the Conference in Utrecht state and market understanding and negotiation: the ‘contract’ small, smaller, smalles: size and cooperation beyond marketing: education and outreach
Trends I differences within countries are as big as those between countries old legitimations for government support: civilisation, culture, becoming a better human being are weakening new legtimations ermerging: economical, social, educational, city development,
Trends II distinction high and low art is fading from fully government owned (part of government) to cofinancing (semi) private enterprises: subsidy, commissioning all this trends move form the north west to the south east
Some general characteristics: market no labor shortage: fame and money, everybody an artist scale: small to very small hardly any international companies (Macintosh, VandenEnde), a lot of international (rock) stars media in heavy transition: –TV broadcasting with no interest in culture –recordcompanies dying because of internet
General characteristics: audiences audiences the same or expanding, next to a load of other leisure activities young and immigrant audiences the most difficult to reach: education, community engagment how to develop new ways of using the mass media and internet ?
Challenges new language of legitimation new ways of cultural entrepeneurship: negotiating in stead of begging government new alliances and combinations in the chain form production to presentation, education and multichannel dissemination scale: mergers, fusion, cooperation from reliable season ticket buyers to ad hoc visitors
What can be done locally and nationally no more waiting: responsable for our own future national, regional, local government: enterpreneurial space –financing goals and results and not procedures –no conflicting demands between different agencies (local – national) –consistent and persistent funding (not per se more)
What can be done in the EU removing obstacles for international entrepeneurship in the performing arts –copyright –double taxation (touring) –One Stop Shop (harmonization) of VAT, social security and working permits third countries
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