An estuary… …where rivers meet the sea.
Estuaries in Oregon River dominated Bar-built Drowned river mouth Blind
South Slough NERR Pacific Ocean Coos Bay 5,000 ac Estuarine Research Natural Area. Only site of its kind in Oregon. Created to promote estuary research, education, and stewardship. South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Part of a National System Established in 1974 Our mission: To improve the understanding and stewardship of Pacific Northwest estuaries and coastal watersheds.
Estuaries provide a diverse wealth of natural resources & benefits.
Reaching a national audience Estuary Live uses the Internet to reach classrooms around the globe.
Engaging Oregon’s educational community Professional Teacher Development Student as researchers
A place for the public to explore estuaries and their watersheds Interpretive programs Educational programs serving students of all ages Exhibits, information and knowledge
A study of oysters & eelgrass Reducing the impacts of oyster cultivation on eelgrass and tideflats Development of Best Management Practices
Habitat restoration Restoration monitoring Control of invasive non- native species Habitat acquisition within the context of local and regional conservation efforts Habitat Management- protecting the “investment” South Slough NERR Stewardship Program
Involving the community A place for volunteers to make meaningful contributions Professional workplace skills development
South Slough NERR serves many communities The South Slough NERR mission is to improve the understanding and stewardship of Pacific Northwest estuaries and coastal watersheds. Partnerships are a critical component of the Reserve’s strategy to meet the needs of the various communities we serve.
Taking a Good Sense Hike Write the following headings on the top of each page – Watershed, Forest, Stream, Freshwater Swamp, Salt Marsh, Mudflat, Open Water Channel
Taking a Good Sense Hike Form a question that you want to answer about each habitat and write this beneath the title. Write the word evidence in the middle of the page and conclusion at the bottom of the page leaving enough room to write next to each one.
Taking a Good Sense Hike Seek evidence during the course of our day and write your observations and conclusions in your notebook.
The town of Charleston at the mouth of South Slough