5W+H RULE Anyone (professionals, students, idiots, terrorists, etc.) can post something online for the world to read, which makes it hard when you are trying to find good credible information. Using the 5W+H rule will help you determine what’s good and what’s not!
So what is 5W+H rule you ask! I bet you don’t even realize it but you probably already know part of it. Think back to elementary English class…does “Who? What? Where? When? Why?” ring any bells? The H part is HOW!
5W+H RULE EXPLAINED 1.Who wrote the page, are they an expert or just some random person? 2.What is the purpose of the website? 3.Where does the information come from? 4.When was the site created or updated? 5.Why is this information valuable? + 6.How can you tell what’s what?
WHO The WHO part of the question is determined by evaluating authorship or authority. When you look at a website critically you should try and decide if the author is credible. Often times it can be difficult but you should ALWAYS try to determine authorship or authority, to help you with that you might ask:
AUTHORSHIP AND AUTHORITY Who is the author? If no author is listed who owns/sponsors the website? Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this Web site? Is the author/organization/sponsor respected in the field? Is there any in-depth information about the author or organization (Resume, biography, About me/us)? Does the website have contact information for the author/organization/sponsor? Can you contact the company or author through a real world postal address or phone number? How did you get to the site (Referral, link from another website, or search)?
Keep in mind that you can be anyone or say anything on the Internet so it is important determine authorship or ownership whether that be a person or company. Also because the internet is everywhere and nowhere it is important to make sure that you can get a hold of or find the person/company. You might not think that how you got to the site is that important but it really is; look at is this way, who do you trust more, a friend, a friend of a friend, or a perfect stranger? A referral is like getting information from your friend, a link would be like getting information from a friend of a friend, and a search is asking a complete stranger. WHO
Use the Tree Octopus website to answer the Who Questions Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus websitePacific Northwest Tree Octopus
WHAT Go to the website. Copy & paste the following address into the search box.
WHERE Use the Tree Octopus website to answer the What Questions Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus websitePacific Northwest Tree Octopus
WHERE Use the Tree Octopus website to answer the What Questions Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus websitePacific Northwest Tree Octopus
WHEN Use the WayBackMachine website to complete the When Assignment
HOW From the things you have learned, answer the How questions in your packet.