One Who Answers All : A believer is taught that Allah is very close to him and ready to answer his prayers. He listens to the prayers of the righteous. On the other hand, the disobedient man should not expect his prayer to be answered. The Prophet, peace be upon him, cites the man "who spreads out his hands to the sky (saying): O Lord! O Lord! – while his food is unlawful, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, and asks how he can be answered". Allah listens to man's cry of agony and relieves his suffering. So, whenever one stands helpless in the face of difficulties, one should call upon his Lord, even if it be for a very small matter. Allah loves to hear His servants calling Him. "Every night, when the last third of the night remains, our Lord, most exalted, descends to the lowest sky and says. "If there be anyone to call Me, I will answer him; if there be anyone to ask things of Me, and I will give them to him, and if there be anyone to ask for forgiveness, I will forgive him". Allah looks after one who prays to Him