1 2 3 4 Get Microsoft Mouse Mischief READ THIS SLIDE FIRST (This is a hidden slide and will not appear in the slide show) This presentation requires Microsoft Mouse Mischief. Mouse Mischief lets students use computer mice to answer questions and participate in activities teachers create in PowerPoint presentations. To learn more, visit www.microsoft.com/mousemischief Get Microsoft Mouse Mischief 1 Download and Install Download and install the Mouse Mischief add-in. Copy and paste www.microsoft.com/mousemischief into your browser window to visit the site. 2 Restart PowerPoint After installation is complete, restart PowerPoint. 3 Create Use the Mouse Mischief features on the Multiple-Mouse tab. 4 Play Slide Show To play a multiple-mouse slide show (such as this file), click the Play Slide Show button. The Microsoft® Mouse Mischief™ add-in works with Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 or Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007.
Interactive Classroom Lessons With Microsoft Mouse Mischief It’s been known and studied that children learn better when they are able to participate and have interactions with lessons in class. The more activities they are encouraged and attracted to join in, the better they are at absorbing what is being taught. Who wants to sit in a boring classroom anyway? Microsoft has come up with an idea that makes every classroom lesson more fun, interactive and collaborative, with the help of Mouse Mischief. Microsoft’s Mouse Mischief is a PowerPoint plugin that allows teachers to create interactive classroom lessons that are much more fun. With one computer, a PowerPoint presentation, and Mouse Mischief, students can make use of their individual mice to interact with their lessons. This encourages students to participate more in class, thus improving learning and allowing teachers to have better classroom management and much more attentive students. With Mouse Mischief, teachers can easily insert question polls, drawing tasks, multiple choice questions, puzzles, and many more engaging and exciting activities. Students just need to have their own mouse to participate and the learning possibilities are endless. Why You Need Mouse Mischief? From Science to Math, Geometry to Language to even Chemistry and Music, Mouse Mischief is a wonderful tool to make every lesson memorable and fun. Microsoft sites three compelling reasons to use Mouse Mischief in the classroom: 1. Actively engages students and supports collaborative learning – Let’s face it. Students today are much more tech savvy and are generally unimpressed by the old ways of teaching. PowerPoint presentations tend to get old and teachers can just throw away their flashcards. With Mouse Mischief, you grab the students’ attention with the new technology that they are widely familiar with, allowing them to also actively participate together with their classmates. 2. Improves classroom management and overall student participation – Once you have grabbed everyone’s attention, there is less chance for the students’ attention to simply drift off the lesson. With Mouse Mischief, you have a better chance of grabbing the students’ attention and making sure that they are focused on the discussion at hand. 3. Is familiar to use and easy on the classroom budget – Mouse Mischief is a PowerPoint plugin that is integrated into the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. You don’t need to download a whole new set of applications and you don’t have to spend time learning new skills in order to use and navigate through the software. You also don’t need to buy additional hardware, which may even tend to be expensive. All students need are mice and USB hubs of their own.
Place Values With Unit Blocks
For Example - What is Place Value? In our decimal number system, or base 10. The value of a digit depends on its place, or position, in the number. Each place has a value of 10 times the place to its right.
A Couple More Examples of Place Value in Expanded Number Form
An Example of a Place Value Problem
Place Value With Unit Blocks x10 x10 x10 One thousand units 1,000 u (Cube) One hundred units 100 u (Flat) Ten units 10 u (Rod) One unit 1 u (Cube)
What number does this represent? 132 320 230
What number does this represent? 2,130 3,210 1,230
Match each figure with the correct number. 112 1,001 1,121 201 1,012 2,011
Examples of Place Value Problems