Systems of Government
Autocracy A system of government in which supreme political power is held by one person. This is one of the oldest and most common forms of government.
Totalitarian Dictatorship A form of government in which the ruler is not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.
Examples of Totalitarian Dictatorships Adolf Hitler- Nazi party of Germany Vladimir Stalin- Communist party of the Soviet Union Benito Mussolini – Fascist party of Italy
Military Dictatorship A form of dictatorship in which the political power resides in the military. Mixed forms exist where the military exerts a strong influence without being entirely dominant. Both suppress political opposition.
Examples of Military Dictatorships In places in Latin America military dictatorships called “juntas” exist. Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq started as a one party state ruled by the Ba’ath party, but over the course of it’s existence it turned into a military dictatorship. Junta is Spanish for “conference” or “board”
In Dictatorships… A single leader determines government policy. Can come to power through revolution or election. The dictator seeks to control all aspects of social and economic life.
Absolute Monarchy A form of government in which a King or Queen exercises the supreme powers of government. Monarchs usually inherit their positions. This is rare today, but was prevalent in Western Europe between the 1400’s-1700s.
Example of an Absolute Monarchy Saudi Arabia King Fahn died August 3rd at the age of 83. His half brother, Crown Prince Abdullah succeed to the throne.
Democracy Greek for “rule of the people.” Any system of government in which leaders rule with the consent of the citizens.
Democratic Republic In a Democratic Republic voters elect all major officials, who are responsible to the people. The head of state or head of government is usually a President elected for a specific term.
Examples of Democratic Republics United States France
Constitutional Monarchy A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchial government established under a constitutional system which acknowledges a hereditary or elected monarch as head of state. Today these monarchies only play a ceremonial role.
Examples of Constitutional Monarchies United Kingdom Canada
Oligarchy A system of government in which power is held by a small group of people. The group power may be derived from wealth, military power, social position, religion, or a combination of these. Botswana current event about the Australian (journalist) that was kicked out for saying they were not democratic but instead ruled by a small (elite) group.
Example of a Oligarchy Communist China under control Chairman Mao was controlled both by the leaders of the Communist Party and also by the Armed forces. Like a dictatorship, except is ruled by a small group verses just one person. Mao’s Little Red Book, youth “sent down” for reeducation, critics punished/executed.
Theocracy A Nation-State in which the clergy exercise political power and religious law.
Example of a Theocracy Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini who took power in 1979 after the overthrow of the Shah. Led an Islamic revolution in Iran. Over the remaining decade of his life, Khomeini consolidated his rule. Proving himself as ruthless as the Shah had been, he had thousands killed while stamping out a rebellion of the secular left. He stacked the state bureaucracies with faithful clerics and drenched the schools and the media with his personal doctrines. After purging the military and security services, he rebuilt them to ensure their loyalty to the clerical state.
Two forms of Government Systems
Federalist System Government system in which the power is divided between the national (aka federal) government, and state and local governments. Check and balances. Federal- determines foreign policy, can declare war. State-can ratify the constitution. Both can tax.
Examples of Federalist Systems United States Canada Mexico Australia Federalist systems cannot exist in totalitarian governments.
Unitary System In a unitary system all key powers go to the national/federal government. This government than creates the state, provincial, and local governments and gives them limited sovereignty. Sovereignty- power to make decisions
Examples of Unitary Systems United Kingdom France Italy China North Korea Ex. Headphone Rule
Similarities and Differences These are similar because either one could be used in any of the government systems. (Besides totalitarian governments) These are different from each other in the way that power is spread. EX. France and the US= Dem Rep- US=Federal France=Unitary