GDP=C + Ig + G + Xn C is usually 67-70% of GDP Xn is usually a negative number C is the key to growth
Going from GDP to PI numbers: GDP minus Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC or Depreciation) will equal: NDP (Net Domestic Product) NDP minus Indirect Business Taxes, minus “Net Foreign Factor Income” (if this is a negative number) will equal: NI (National Income)
NI minus social Security contributions (Payments), minus Corporate Income Taxes, minus “Undistributed Corporate Profits”, plus transfer payments received by citizens will equal: PI (Personal Income) PI minus Personal Taxes Paid equals:
DI (Disposable Income) DI minus Savings equals C (Consumption)
Notes : Indirect Business Taxes: Sales Taxes Excise Taxes Licenses
Net Foreign Factor Income: Money US citizens earn overseas and send back to the US versus money foreigners earn here and send back to their home countries (remittances)
Undistributed corporate profits: Total corporate profits minus corporate taxes paid and minus any money paid to stockholders in the form of dividend payments
Transfer Payments: Social Security Payments, Unemployment compensation payments, welfare payments, disability payments
Where do credit card expenditures and payments fit in?????