The EU and DRR focus on Asia-Pacific Meeting of the ISDR Asia Partnership 23 – 24 March 2009 Cécile Pichon European Commission (ECHO)


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Presentation transcript:

The EU and DRR focus on Asia-Pacific Meeting of the ISDR Asia Partnership 23 – 24 March 2009 Cécile Pichon European Commission (ECHO)

EU STRATEGY FOR SUPPORTING DRR IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Joint undertaking between DEV, ECHO and RELEX Started on 20 Feb 2008 – approved on 23 Feb 2009 EU Strategy based on: The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) EC and EU Member States strategic work Rationale Lack of policy and strategic frameworks on DRR Lack of common voice Limited progress with integration of DRR Limited linking of DRR and climate change

Scope, Geo coverage and Implementation All developing countries and EU Oversees Countries and Territories (OCTs) Disasters caused by natural and technological hazards Multi-hazard approach Slow and rapid onset disasters Use of EU full range of funding instruments Implementation priorities Political dialogue on DRR Regional Action Plans on DRR National level support Integration of DRR at EU level

Added value of the Strategy Has the support of the Commission Services, the Member States, the donor community Defines an EU conceptual framework that should facilitate the sharing of responsibilities amongst Commission Services and between EC Services and Member States Positions the EU strategy towards the HFA Promotes a more effective cooperation between the humanitarian and development actors within and outside EU Disasters caused by natural and technological hazards

ECHO POLICY FRAMEWORK ON DRR Started in January 2008, in parallel EU DRR Communication Consultations (internal, external): February 2008 – March 2009 (est.) April to June 2009: all working documents completed and approved Scope and approach Covers natural disasters only Favours the implementation of pilot projects with demonstrative purposes and exit strategies; encourages their replication and scaling-up by development actors Encourage participation in larger DRR initiatives with implementing partners, together with other donors, including other EC services and Member States

Justification Recommended by several evaluations Increased support to DRR by ECHO Need to analyse ECHO contribution to HFA Create a strategic framework Specific Objectives To help communities and supporting institutions prepare for and reduce the impacts of natural disasters To develop common practice of integrating DRR in humanitarian response in all disaster-prone countries To intensify capacity-building, advocacy and coordination efforts at EC/EU, national and international levels. Fully in line with the EU DRR Strategy and the EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid

Implementation methodology Elaborate a longer-term internal vision for DRR Establish a priority list of disaster-prone countries Strengthen dialogue with other EC services Elaborate practical guidelines and tools (including on entry/exit strategies, LRRD/DP, DRR/sectors) Promote continuity of funding Develop a set of specific training tools and programme Promote joint-training initiatives Mechanisms for integration and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices, keeping institutional memory, including through Prevention web

ECHO DRR indicators… Increased support to DRR by ECHO: DIPECHO = 4.3% of initial 2009 budget All DP actions = 11.7% of 2008 budget  Need to improve indicators and systems !

ECHO DRR Indicators 2008 > 5% of operational funds committed to DP actions  11.7% (€ 88,8 mln) + 40% of humanitarian aid decisions providing relief to victims of sudden and slow-onset (hazard-related) disasters with DRR/DP integration  37 % At least 500,000 beneficiaries in global hotspots (hazards) supported by strengthening community resilience and local response capacity  18,400,900 persons (DIPECHO + Regional Drought Decision only) At least 10,000 persons trained under DRR-DP training activities  > 10,000 At least 300 small-scale mitigation interventions in global hot- spots  About 1,100 interventions (DIPECHO only) At least 10 contributions to facilitate regional and national coordination on DRR incl. contributions to exchanges of lessons learnt and best practices, strengthening local ownership  17 Consultative meetings or lessons learned events hosted

CountryAmount of DIPECHO program Amount of Total ECHO program DIPECHO/ Total (%) Cambodia1,634, East Timor600,8372,407,54625 Indonesia2,221,2124,064,61455 Laos314,050715,05044 Philippines1,774,8358,274,83521 Vietnam2,144,2044,127,26452

Central America, South East Asia, Caribbean Andean Community (expand. 2006) South Asia WCDR (Kobe) Exit / re- entry Philippines EU DRR Communication ECHO DRR Policy Assessment Burma, Pacific Central Asia South-East Africa & Western Indian Ocean

EC, DRR and Asia-Pacific: some examples DIPECHO South East, South and Central Asia: 16 countries, € 90 mln since 1998 ECHO capacity-building: € 130 since 2005 EU Natural Disaster Facility for the ACP: € 12 mln under 9 th EDF; € 180 mln proposed under 10 th EDF Global Insurance Facility (ACP): € 25 mln DRR programmes: Bangladesh € 9 mln, China € 6 mln, Indonesia € 200 mln DRR integration and projects: ad hoc Research Framework Programme, EC Joint Research Centre: assessment studies, various research actions on disasters, climate change impact and DRR Global Climate Change Alliance: € 60 mln

EC and DRR In Asia DRR integration into EC programming, state of play in 2006 = relatively low Since 2006, more opportunities. Receptive EC Delegations, increased integration of DRR into programming. More projects and some instruments. System of focal points, training/awareness sessions, sharing of documentation, networking, inter-service consultations, working groups (sectors, LRRD etc.). Both at HQ and field levels. Use mid term review (2009) of country strategy papers to reinforce DRR integration; use any new opportunity and new instrument programming (eg Myanmar). Climate Change: a new focus

ECHO and DRR In Asia New management of disaster preparedness DP mainstreaming in response and early recovery Continued advocacy New potentials for stock-piling and prepositioning, contingency planning Small scale disaster funding decision? Review areas of focus for DIPECHO and DP: Myanmar/Burma? The Pacific? Timor Leste?

Climate Change Adaptation Nairobi and Bali Action plans Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA). Focus on five areas, including helping poor countries to be better prepared for natural disasters, and integrating climate change into development cooperation and poverty reduction strategies. €60 mln earmarked by the EC for pilot countries to selected (2009). Systematic mainstreaming of environment in EC development cooperation. Cross-cutting issue in all sectors of intervention

C3D+: 3 year project implemented by UNITAR. Address CC through adaptation measures, incl. planning mitigation strategies. EC: € 2.5 mln, 3 years, project starting. TroFCCA: Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) & Tropical Agriculture Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE). Contribute to the limited understanding of adaptation and tropical forest ecosystems. Focus on 3 major climate-related events affecting vulnerability and sustainability: floods, fires and drought ( tm). South East Asia a focal area for proposed activities August 2009.CIFORCATIEhttp:// tm EC: € 3.3 mln

Some conclusions More and more awareness by EC personnel on DRR and CCA  increased willingness and receptiveness to integrate DRR in programming EU Communication on DRR and increased focus on CCA will be crucial cornerstone Need to improve documentation and reporting on achievements of EU/EC on DRR. CCA – an opportunity or a risk? Define better the linkages