Work done by: ● Ângela Carvalho nº 8 ● Lúcia Loureiro nº 15 ● Márcia Mesquita nº 17 9ºB Teacher: Madalena Melo School E.B. 2 / 3 of Mundão School year: 2010/2011
This assignment was suggested in English class by our teacher. The aim is to complement the reading of two texts studied in class, and also to broaden our knowledge about these two regions: the Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA)and Canada. We will show and talk about a few natural landscapes of these two regions, their tourist attractions, and other things.
The Grand Canyon is the longest valley, it’s one of the seven wonders of the natural world, and it’s also one of the Earth’s greatest ongoing geological spectacles. Approximately 65 million years ago what is now called the Colorado Plateau was uplifted 1.5 miles above sea-level. The Colorado River began carving it’s way down through the layers of rock 5-6 million years ago. After millions of years of erosion, today the Canyon is nearly one mile deep and nearly 18 miles (29km) across at its widest points. Visitors can enjoy a sense of loneliness errant numerous trails in the throat. There is an abundance of wildlife and remote areas to explore, and a camera is an absolute must-have piece of equipment.
Canada is a country that occupies most of northern North America and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. To the north the country is bounded by the Arctic Ocean. It is the second largest country in total area, after Russia, and its common border with the United States, in the south and northwest, is the longest land border in the world. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, and it’s also the most populous city it’s Toronto. The most spoken languages are English and French. The government is monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The prime minister is Stephen Harper. It has an area of 670km 9984, 8.62% is water. It has a population of hab. The currency is the Canadian dollar.
For this work, we mostly used the Internet. It was easy to complete this work, the hardest part was to summarize the information about Canada. We liked it more to find out about the natural landscapes of the Grand Canyon, it is fantastic.
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