Exploring Matter Unit Review
What is Matter? Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight. Matter has three forms. Matter can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Matter is made up of tiny particles called molecules.
What do we know about solids? Solids take up space and have mass. Solids have a shape of their own. Solids can be described by their physical properties. Solids can be measured.
What do we know about liquids? Liquids take up space and have mass. Liquids do not have a shape of their own. Liquids take the shape of their container. Liquids can be measured (mass and volume).
What do we know about gases? A gas takes up space and has mass. A gas takes the shape of its container. A gas is the only kind of matter that always fills all the space inside a container. The mass of a gas can be measured.
Physical Changes in Matter Cutting Mixing Shaping Changing from one state of matter to another. Melting Freezing Evaporating
Other changes in matter Some changes in matter are reversible. Some changes in matter are irreversible. Rusting, burning, and cooking are irreversible changes.
Wonderful Water Water can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Water as a solid may be ice or snow. Water as a liquid may be drinking water. Water as a gas is water vapor. Heat changes water from one form to another. Water in all three states make up the water cycle.
This concludes our study of matter.