Finding Clean Water Bring in metal tin
What are the two most important things you should do before you leave on your trip??
Inform someone where you are headed and when you plan to return. And Check the weather forecast.
Basics If you told someone where you were going it is better to stay still and wait it out. People who are lost have a tendency to walk in circles. If you begin running around trying to find where you are, especially in the dark, you risk injuring yourself.
Our body is made of 78% water. A person should drink between 2 quarts and a gallon of water per day. Chances are you'll be exerting yourself, and you may be in a hot or cold environment. Both of these factors mean you should drink more than the minimum amount.
Water helps circulate blood, process food and assist other internal processes. If you use more water than you take in, you'll begin to suffer from dehydration. With severe dehydration, your cells shrink and circulation stops, causing a lack of oxygen flow to your muscles. Dehydration can start as soon as six hours of not having water.
In most parts of the world, surface water is seldom pure. Clear rivers and lakes may look clean, but there are millions of organisms in fresh water. If you don't purify it, you can get extremely sick from bacteria or viruses.
A common parasite is Giardia lamblia. It is found worldwide and within every region of the United States and has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne diseases. Giardia lamblia causes diarrhea, which leads to dehydration. Bleach does not work well enough to kill this parasite.
Boiling is the most certain way to make sure water is pure and safely disinfected. Water should be boiled for a least 3 minutes Not for heavily polluted areas.
Other ways of purifying water include: Chlorine tablets Iodine Don’t use for long periods of time.
Creating a Seep Locate an area of damp ground. Dig a hole about the size of a basketball, which will hold several gallons of water.
If at all possible line the hole with stones, as this will be very helpful in preventing sediment from being stirred up in the water.
Allow the hole to fill about ¼ to 1/3 full. Scoop out the dirty, muddy water in order to remove as much sediment as possible.
Get started looking for your water way to find or collect clean water. There is a lot of techniques out there. Look for ways to purify, boil, find, or filter water in a survival situation.