The importance of being briliant CORSICA FERRIES Business case
The importance of being briliant KEY FIGURES ABOUT TOURISM
The importance of being briliant France is the top destination for worldwide tourism with nearly 80 million people.
The importance of being briliant
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The old purchase funnel
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Here to know more about destinations Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Here because of website or online reputation and discussion Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Here because travel guides and magazines are digital Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Here because travel agencies are offering special packages Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel Here because travel agencies have their own e-business Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant Image awareness Purchase The new purchase funnel But more over after the purchase when people are on travel or after travel to share experiences Web is everywhere
The importance of being briliant
It is not advertising campaigns, marketing promotions, or fidelity programs that determine the destination’s reputation and growth; It is the millions of conversations and exchanges that occur between family members, friends and colleagues every month of the year.
The importance of being briliant 937 millions people on facebook 500 millions people on twitter
The importance of being briliant Importance of social media in travel destination decision.
The importance of being briliant Corsica ferries Corsica ferries is the leading ferry company between France and Corsica island. It was founded in 1968 and every year 3 millions of passengers are crossing with the company. 66% of french traveler are going in Corsica by boat (VS 34% by plane)
The importance of being briliant The task 1.How can we improve quality of Corsica ferries communication with keeping a high promotion value ? 2.How can we boost early booking especially for easter week-ends ? 3.How can we increase awareness on the brand and create loyalty?
The importance of being briliant The strategy Work on a new brand territory with high impact elements. Combine traditional and digital media to enhance the brand image and getting more bookings. Use social media to create a community around Corsica ferries and the destination.
The importance of being briliant Imagine ! The yellow link between you and us !
The importance of being briliant The creative Pour nous la corse c’est corsica !
The importance of being briliant
Media planning JanvFévMarsAvrilMaiJuinJuillet Display Radio Press Facebook Blogs Display E mailing OFF line ON line AoutSeptOctNovDéc
The importance of being briliant Display in subway
The importance of being briliant Display in subway
The importance of being briliant Press
The importance of being briliant Radio spots
The importance of being briliant Fans in 6 months people talk about the posts people touched by each post Fans in 5 mois 5000 people talk about the posts people touched by each post Facebook
The importance of being briliant March 2012 : 12 bloggers were invited in Corse for a 3 days travel. The goal : Using high level influencers community in order to show all the top places to visit in north Corsica. Increasing the digital word of mouth. 76 published post More than 1800 comments More than 2100 tweets with 1000 during the blog session More than followers Blog session mars 2012
The importance of being briliant Online Display Avril – Mai – Juin 2012 Using websites with localisation such as weather forecast or mapping plans in order to reach people interested with Corsica.
The importance of being briliant ings 2012
The importance of being briliant Results Corsica kept on its level of market share (55 %) May campaigns (display and radio) helped to generate late bookings. + 20% of trafic on the website New bookings came from social media ( Facebook, twitter)
The importance of being briliant Q & A