Www.noc.ac.uk Salinity from space Past, present and yet to come Chris Banks Christine Gommenginger Meric Srokosz Helen Snaith Chris Banks Christine Gommenginger.


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Presentation transcript:

Salinity from space Past, present and yet to come Chris Banks Christine Gommenginger Meric Srokosz Helen Snaith Chris Banks Christine Gommenginger Meric Srokosz Helen Snaith Contact:

Outline All work based on ESA L2 products (other salinity products are available) Past –L3 data from flags Present –L3 data using L2 errors Yet to come –new products/satellites –exploitation Past –L3 data from flags Present –L3 data using L2 errors Yet to come –new products/satellites –exploitation

Past Monthly climatology using flags 1º x 1º grid Only in range [30, 40] Monthly climatology using flags 1º x 1º grid Only in range [30, 40]

SMOS SSS 3 models Sept 2010 (Desc)

UK Met Office Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean September 2010

Present Global (-60ºS – 60ºN) Monthly 1º x 1º grid No flags YET Option to include supplied errors 6 months (Feb – July 2011) Global (-60ºS – 60ºN) Monthly 1º x 1º grid No flags YET Option to include supplied errors 6 months (Feb – July 2011)

Location of SSS with error distribution

SSS1 (A) 1ºx1º cell July 2011 July 2010 (A) Model 1

July 2010 (D) Model 1 SSS1 (D) 1ºx1º cell July 2011 Mean weighted by error is very similar to mean (0.07)

Location of SSS with error distribution

July 2010 (A) Model 1 SSS1 (A) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

July 2010 (D) Model 1 SSS1 (D) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

Location of SSS with error distribution

July 2010 (A) Model 1 SSS1 (A) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

July 2010 (D) Model 1 SSS1 (D) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

Location of SSS with error distribution

July 2010 (A) Model 1 SSS1 (A) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

July 2010 (D) Model 1 SSS1 (D) 1ºx1º cell July 2011

N valid L2 measurements (A) July 2011

N valid L2 measurements in range [30,40] (A) July 2011

N valid L2 measurements in range [30,40] & error <2 (A) July 2011

N valid L2 measurements in range [30,40] & error <1 (A) July 2011

N valid L2 measurements error<1 (A) July 2011

Revised trial product No flags used (YET) Includes all SSS (including negative values) Remove data where error > 1 No flags used (YET) Includes all SSS (including negative values) Remove data where error > 1

July 2011 Processor error SSS (D) Model 1 (error<1)

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

L3 Temporal variability A vs D

Compare with monthly climatology from WOA (2005) July 2011

Compare with 1ºx1º gridded Argo product July 2011 All profiles depth < 10 m

SMOS minus FOAM (D) July 2011

July 2011 SMOS minus FOAM (A)

SSS1 (D) Feb 2011 Temporal variability

SSS1 (D) March 2011

SSS1 (D) April 2011

SSS1 (D) May 2011

SSS1 (D) June 2011

SSS1 (D) July 2011

Yet to come (or revised ESA product) Reduced influence of satellite direction Coastal bug removed Gridded product using flags AND error threshold Shorter time period / smaller area Reduced influence of satellite direction Coastal bug removed Gridded product using flags AND error threshold Shorter time period / smaller area

Yet to come (or revised ESA product)

Yet to come – Aquarius

Yet to come – Aquarius

Yet to come – SMOS (1D)

Yet to come SMOS vs. Aquarius (vs. Argo/FOAM) In situ data – calibration/validation NoOSG –FP7 proposal for drifters using NOC microsensors working with Met Office, LOCEAN and Puertos del Estado Front detection SMOS vs. Aquarius (vs. Argo/FOAM) In situ data – calibration/validation NoOSG –FP7 proposal for drifters using NOC microsensors working with Met Office, LOCEAN and Puertos del Estado Front detection

Front detection