K.N.T University of technology Electronic Department Crystal Growth Instructor: Prof. F. Hossein-Babaei Presented by: M. H. Jalalpour P. Talebnia Fall 2014
Outline History Examples Crystal Growth Theories Crystal Growth Classes ZnSe Quartz FHB www.galleries.com img.directindustry.com
Example single crystals Semiconductors: Electronic grade Ge and Si, doped and undoped. II-VI semiconductors (CdTe, CdS, CdSe, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, etc.) III-V semiconductors (GaAs, GaP, GaSb, InAs, InP, InSb, etc.) IV-VI semiconductors (PbS, PbSe, PbTe, SnTe, etc.) FHB http://isc.kharkov.ua
Art crystals and jewelry : Amethyst Optical crystals: AgBr, AgCl, BaF2, CaF2, CdTe, CsI, Ge, KBr, KCl, KRS-5, LiF, MgF2, NaCl, sapphire, ruby, Si, ZnSe. Art crystals and jewelry : Amethyst A selection of both rough and cut Kashmir sapphires. Amethyst crystal FHB www.list-of-birthstones.com www.palagems.com
Crystal growth classes Growth from solid Growth from vapor Growth from solution Growth from melt Bridgman method Czochralski method Floating zone Verneuil method Vapor Si ingot from melt Solution FHB Al from solid
History Industrial crystal production started with Verneuil 1902 who with the flame-fusion growth process named after him, for the first time achieved growth of single ruby and sapphire crystals with melting points above 2000oC. Czochralski process is named after Polish scientist Jan Czochralski, who invented the method in 1916. Bridgman, in 1940’s, used temperature gradients to grow single crystals by directional solidification. FHB
Growth from melt Heating methods Chamber pressure Growth from melt Bridgman method Czochralski method Floating Zone method Verneuil method Heating methods RF heating Hydrogen torch Resistance heating Optical heating Chamber pressure High pressure Atmospheric pressure Vacuum FHB
Bridgman Method The method involves heating polycrystalline material in a container above its melting point and slowly cooling it from one end where a seed crystal is located. Single crystal material is progressively formed along the length of the container. The process can be carried out in a horizontal or vertical geometry. FHB www.stanford.edu
Vertical Bridgman Method Vertical Bridgman Tube Furnace Temperature Profile FHB (Copyright)
Vertical Bridgman Method Obtaining cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) crystals Obtaining zinc selenide (ZnSe) crystals FHB National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger Method Temperature ºC Schematics of the furnace and crucible used for GaAs growth. FHB http://cnx.org/contents/1096167b-8518-4159-a88d-3b2ae4df6645@9.4:16/Chemistry_of_Electronic_Materi
The growth from a single crystal seed With the necking technique shown, the grown crystal is in contact with a single grain of the polycrystalline material used as the seed. The growth will follow the structure of the grain that is in contact with. The selected crystal orientation is almost random. Melt Single crystal Polycrystal FHB Copyright تصویر کشیده شده توسط محمد حسین جلال پور تحت نظر استاد
An example of industrial horizontal Bridgman system FHB http://www.krist.uni-freiburg.de/Forschung/Einrichtungen/einrichtungen_en.php
Photograph of a Cd(1-x)MnxTe single crystal ingot 30 mm in diameter and 120 mm in length FHB
Czochralski method A highly developed method of crystal growth, widely used in semiconductor industry. High-purity, semiconductor-grade silicon (only with a few ppm of impurities) is melted down in a crucible, which is usually made of SiO2-lined graphite. A seed crystal, mounted on a rod, is dipped into the molten silicon. The seed crystal is pulled upwards and rotated at the same time. https://www.google.com/#q=Czochralski%2Bimage By precisely controlling the temperature gradients, rate of pulling and speed of rotation, it is possible to extract a large, single-crystal, cylindrical ingot from the melt. FHB
Czochralski method FHB http://www.iqep.com/galaxy/technology/crystal-growth/
Czochralski Method In order to prevent the oxidation of the melt and the crystal, the whole process must be performed in oxygen- and moisture-free atmosphere. While the largest silicon ingots produced today are 400 mm in diameter and 1 to 2 meters in length, 200 mm and 300 mm diameter crystals are standard in industrial processes. The pulling rate (usually a few mm/min) and the temperature profile determine the crystal diameter. FHB
Czochralski (CZ) crystal growth 2. Start of necking. Seed is dipped to > 1415 °C melt. 4. Start of body. 6. Conical tail growth after completion of body. 1. Polysilicon charge in silica crucible placed in a graphite holder. 3. Shoulder growth, after neck is complete. 5. Body growth. FHB http://people.seas.harvard.edu
Crystal growth The raw material contains only < 1 ppb impurities. Pulled crystals contain oxygen≈ 1018 cm-3, and C ≈ 1016 cm-3, plus any added dopants. • Essentially all Si wafers used for ICs today come from Czochralski grown crystals. • Polysilicon material is melted, held at close to 1417 ˚C, and a single crystal seed is used to start the growth. • Pull rate, melt temperature and rotation rate are all important control parameters. → Introduces O ≈1017-1018cm-3 → C ≈ 1015-1016 cm-3 Ar +H2 atmosphere FHB http://people.seas.harvard.edu
Crystal growth some problems and solutions Crucible dissolving => Introduce noble gas plus hydrogen Seed dislocation Seed/melt contact shock Solution : Necking Temperature and density gradients => convection Solution : Seed rotation and magnetic Field Dopant segregation coefficient Solution : Growth Rate Control Generating gas Generating gas; introducing impurity Using graphite crucible => Crystal dislocation => in homogeneity
An example industrial Czochralski growth system. Czochralski method An example industrial Czochralski growth system. FHB http://www.latticematerials.com/products/custom/seeds/
Output of a Czochrolski system; single crystal Si ingot. Czochralski method Output of a Czochrolski system; single crystal Si ingot. FHB http://cnfolio.com/ELMnotes15
Floating zone method The basic idea in float zone (FZ) crystal growth is to move a liquid zone through the material. If properly seeded, a single crystal may result in. The melt never comes into contact with anything but the inert atmosphere of the furnace. The maximum diameter of the FZ-grown crystals is about 20 mm. http://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/elmat_en/kap_6/advanced/t6_1_3.html FHB
Floating zone method Advantages: Optical heating RF heating http://www.lanl.gov/mst/crystal/floatzone.html Advantages: No crucible; no impurity is introduced; can produce high resistivity Si; FHB
Optical floating zone method Optical heating of the zone. Photograph of an optical FZ growth system. FHB people.seas.harvard.edu www.mrsec.umd.edu
Floating zone method Lab floating zone puller with resistance heater (left part = transformer / right part = control system) http://www.surfacenet.de/html/floating_zone_pullers.html FHB
Verneuil Method Verneuil process, also called flame fusion, was the first commercially successful method of manufacturing synthetic gemstones developed in 1902 by the French chemist Auguste Verneuil. For higher crystal quality, the produced ingots are annealed for hours at elevated temperatures close to the melting point. Auguste Verneui A sketch of an early furnace used by Verneuil to synthesise rubies using the Verneuil process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verneuil_process FHB
Verneuil Method O2 + Al2O3 + Cr2O3 inlet O2 + H2 mix and ignite, T > 2000K Molten drops fall onto “pedestal” Xtal forms and grows Example of Al2O3 xtal (right end) http://www.allaboutgemstones.com/gemstones_ruby_enhancements.html FHB
Verneuil Method It is primarily used to produce ruby and sapphire varieties of corundum, as well as the diamond simulants rutile and strontium titanate. The method is still the least expensive way to make sapphire and ruby adequate for many applications. In principle, the process involves melting powdered substance using an oxyhydrogen flame. The melt droplets crystallize on a single crystal seed which grows to produce the crystal ingot. The process is considered to be the founding step of the modern industrial crystal growth technology. The technique remains in wide use to this day. A crucial factor in growth of good quality artificial gemstones is using highly pure starting material, with at least 99.9995% purity. The presence of sodium impurities is especially undesirable, as it makes the crystal opaque. FHB
Verneuil Method The starting material (alumina) is finely powdered and placed in a container above the Verneuil furnace. Oxygen is supplied into the furnace, which carries the powder particles down a narrow tube. Combustion occurs at the point where the narrow tube opens into a larger one. The flame, at least 2000 °C hot at its core, melts the powder into small droplets, which fall onto an earthen support rod placed underneath. The seed crystal eventually forms. As more droplets fall onto the seed tip, a single crystal, called a boule, starts to form. FHB
Industrial Verneuil Method Ruby production line according to the Verneuil technique in the Chemiekombinat Bitterfeld (around 1970) Industrial Verneuil Method FHB
Kyropoulos method Kyropoulos method (1926) is somewhat similar to Czochralski technique. It also starts from the contact of a seed crystal mounted in the holder with a molten alumina. However the crystallization front in a crystal pulled by Czochralski method is a meniscus located in the column connecting the surface of the molten alumina with the growing crystal. In Kyropoulos technique the growing crystal is surrounded by the melt. The crystal growth occurs within the crucible with the molten alumina. The crystal grows until its surface reaches the crucible walls. Then the crystal is pulled out (lifted) and the growing cycle repeats. There is also a version of the process with continuous pulling the crystal from the crucible. The diameter of the crystal grown by Kyropoulos method is limited by the diameter of the crucible.
Kyropoulos method The main advantage of Kyropoulos method is the crystallization at low temperature gradients – below 10ºC/cm , which results in low thermal stresses in the crystal. High optical quality large crystals (boules) with diameter exceeding 350 mm may be produced by Kyropoulos method. Kyropoulos method is widely used for growing sapphire crystals of a very high optical quality. Kyropulos sapphire is suitable for manufacturing ingots and substrates for LED and RF applications. http://rmdinc.com/2012/07/page/6/
Crystal Growth from Gas Phase The gas coats the crystal, inhibiting growth. The ordered crystal phase has grown around a gas bubble impinging on its surface. Slow Examples: Snowflakes http://www.scientificamerican.com
Crystal Growth from Solution Dissolving the material in the solvent→ saturation Cooling saturated solution slowly → Crystal growth Methods: Growth from Aqueous Solution: Solvent is water. Examples NaCl, Rock candy Growth from Non-aqueous solution: Solvent is not water, e.g. alcohol Flux Growth: Solvent is solid. First, solvent is melted. Then, material is dissolved.
Crystal Growth from Solution Advantages: -Grow congruently and incongruently melting materials - Need relatively simple equipment - Has short growth-time scales Need small amounts of materials Disadvantages: - Results not too large a crystal (mm to cm)
Sources Lecture notes on “semiconductor device fabrication technology” by Prof. F. Hossein-Babaei, 2013 2.Microchip Fabrication, peter van zant 3.crystal Growth Technology ,Hans.J.Scheel 4. http://www.memsnet.org/mems/processes/deposition.html 5. Single crystal growth employing Czochralski method, adam pikul 6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verneuil_process 7. www.mrsec.umd.edu 8. http://www.cradley-crystals.com/CCinit.php?id=technologyam_4 9. www.substech.com 10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verneuil_process 11. Flux Method for Preparing Crystals: Athena S. Sefat 12. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SnowflakesWilsonBentley.jpg 13. http://www.scientificamerican.com 14. http://rmdinc.com/2012/07/page/6/ 15.http://www.allaboutgemstones.com/gemstones_ruby_enhancements.html
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Crystal Growth Theories اسلاید حذف شده Crystal Growth Theories Surface Energy Theory Surface Nucleation Theory Diffusion Theory Pierre Curie J. Willard Gibbs Arthur Amos Noyes Ivan Stranski Max Volmer FHB
Crystal growth اسلاید حذف شده http://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/elmat_en/kap_6/illustr/i6_1_1.html