'09 Cairo Welcome! Unix System Administration Cairo, Egypt Instructors: Hervey Allen (Chile/USA) Patrick Okui (Uganda) Guest Instructors Joe Abley, Michuki Mwangi, Chris Wilson
'09 Cairo Schedule break lunch break dinner evening session If no evening session, then dinner is at your leisure.
'09 Cairo Class Schedule Patrick Okui(green) Hervey Allen(blue) Guest Lecturer(orange)
'09 Cairo Meals Breakfast starts at 0630 in level -1 at the Holiday Inn and is included in your stay. Lunch starts at 1300 and will be on level -2 in the Fayruz restaurant. Dinner starts after class. You will be given money for your stay by the secretariat to pay for lunch. You may choose what you would like – for instance, in the Mall. Fayruz
'09 Cairo Secretariat Secretariat is in Montaza 4, level -3 and includes: Nancy Dotse (Ghana) Donna Agbo (Ghana) Badru Ntege (Uganda) Who are available to assist you as needed.
'09 Cairo Expenses What Costs Any item inside the refrigerator. Candy bars, nuts, snacks placed near your minibar. What's Free Two bottles of water per day. One is by the mini bar, one is in your bathroom. Coffees, teas, nespresso drinks (funny colored upside packets).
'09 Cairo Social Events If you are staying after the workshops end on Friday, May 15 there are two social events: Nile River Cruise 19 th May at 7:30 pm Gala Dinner 21 st May at Smart Village at 7:30 pm. Formal attire requested.
'09 Cairo Books Sponsored by O'Reilly media Cisco press Network Startup Resource Center Wireless Networking in the Developing World project Titles Wireless Networking in the Developing World Global IPv6 strategies IPv6 Network Administration Essential System Administration bash cookbook Learning the Unix Operating System Absolute FreeBSD
'09 Cairo Questions ?